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  • 1949 Revised General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
Summary Information
Full Title

1949 Revised General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes

CIL Subject Classification
Citations to Text 71 UNTS 101
Date of Adoption 28/04/1949
Place of Adoption New York, United States of America
Secretariat / Relevant Authority

International Court of Justice

Dispute settlement provisions

Article 41:

“Disputes relating to the interpretation or application of the present General Act, including those concerning the classification of disputes and the scope of reservations, shall be submitted to the International Court of Justice.”


Secretary-General of the United Nations

Entry Into Force Status In Force
Date of Entry into Force


Entry into Force / Termination Provisions

Article 44:

“1. The present General Act shall come into force on the ninetieth day following the receipt by the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the accession of not less than two Contracting Parties.

2. Accessions received after the entry into force of the Act, in accordance with the previous paragraph, shall become effective as from the ninetieth day following the date of receipt by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The same rule shall apply to the additional declarations provided for by article 40.”

Article 45:

“1. The present General Act shall be concluded for a period of five years, dating from its entry into force.

2. It shall remain in force for further successive periods of five years in the case of Contracting Parties which do not denounce it at least six months before the expiration of the current period.

3. Denunciation shall be effected by a written notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall inform all the Members of the United Nations and the non-member States referred to in article 43.

4. A denunciation may be partial only, or may consist in notification of reservations not previously made.

5. Notwithstanding denunciation by one of the Contracting Parties concerned in a dispute, all proceedings pending at the expiration of the current period of the General Act shall be duly completed.”

General Status 8 Parties (as of 27/07/2021)
Links to Current Status/Reservations United Nations Treaty Collection
ASEAN States
Brunei Darussalam
Related Instruments
This instrument amends/supersedes

1928 General Act of Arbitration (Pacific Settlement of International Disputes)

Related Instruments

1899 Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes

1907 Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes

External Links