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Summary Information
Full Title

1991 Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty

Short Title / Abbreviations

Antarctic-Environmental Protocol / Madrid Protocol / EP

CIL Subject Classification
Citations to Text 30 ILM 1455 (1991)
Date of Adoption 04/10/1991
Place of Adoption Madrid, Spain
Secretariat / Relevant Authority

Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty (ATS)

Dispute settlement provisions

Article 18 ‘Dispute Settlement’:

“If a dispute arises concerning the interpretation or application of this Protocol, the parties to the dispute shall, at the request of any one of them, consult among themselves as soon as possible with a view to having the dispute resolved by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement or other peaceful means to which the parties to the dispute agree.”

Article 19 ‘Choice of Dispute Settlement Procedure’:

“1. Each Party, when signing, ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to this Protocol, or at any time thereafter, may choose, by written declaration, one or both of the following means for the settlement of disputes concerning the interpretation or application of Articles 7, 8 and 15 and, except to the extent that an Annex provides otherwise, the provisions of any Annex and, insofar as it relates to these Articles and provisions, Article 13:

(a) the International Court of Justice;

(b) the Arbitral Tribunal.

2. A declaration made under paragraph 1 above shall not affect the operation of Article 18 and Article 20 (2).

3. A Party which has not made a declaration under paragraph 1 above or in respect of which a declaration is no longer in force shall be deemed to have accepted the competence of the Arbitral Tribunal.

4. If the parties to a dispute have accepted the same means for the settlement of a dispute, the dispute may be submitted only to that procedure, unless the parties otherwise agree.

5. If the parties to a dispute have not accepted the same means for the settlement of a dispute, or if they have both accepted both means, the dispute may be submitted only to the Arbitral Tribunal, unless the parties otherwise agree.

6. A declaration made under paragraph 1 above shall remain in force until it expires in accordance with its terms or until three months after written notice of revocation has been deposited with the Depositary.

7. A new declaration, a notice of revocation or the expiry of a declaration shall not in any way affect proceedings pending before the International Court of Justice or the Arbitral Tribunal, unless the parties to the dispute otherwise agree.

8. Declarations and notices referred to in this Article shall be deposited with the Depositary who shall transmit copies thereof to all Parties.”

Article 20 ‘Dispute Settling Procedure’:

“1. If the parties to a dispute concerning the interpretation or application of Articles 7, 8 or 15 or, except to the extent that an Annex provides otherwise, the provisions of any Annex or, insofar as it relates to these Articles and provisions, Article 13, have not agreed on a means for resolving it within 12 months of the request for consultation pursuant to Article 18, the dispute shall be referred, at the request of any party to the dispute, for settlement in accordance with the procedure determined by Article 19 (4) and (5).

2. The Arbitral Tribunal shall not be competent to decide or rule upon any matter within the scope of Article 4 of the Antarctic Treaty. In addition, nothing in this Protocol shall be interpreted as conferring competence or jurisdiction on the International Court of Justice or any other tribunal established for the purpose of settling disputes between Parties to decide or otherwise rule upon any matter within the scope of Article 4 of the Antarctic Treaty.”


Government of the United States of America


Schedule to the Protocol – Arbitration

Annex I: Environment Impact Assessment

Annex II: Fauna and Flora

Annex III: Waste Disposal

Annex IV: Marine Pollution

Annex V: Protected Areas

Annex VI: Liability

Entry Into Force Status In Force
Date of Entry into Force


Entry into Force / Termination Provisions

Article 23 ‘Entry into Force’:

“1. This Protocol shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the date of deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession by all States which are Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties at the date on which this Protocol is adopted.

2. For each Contracting Party to the Antarctic Treaty which, subsequent to the date of entry into force of this Protocol, deposits an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, this Protocol shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following such deposit.”

General Status 42 Parties (as of 23/08/2021)
Links to Current Status/Reservations Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty (ATS)
ASEAN States
Brunei Darussalam
Malaysia Accession 14/09/2016
Related Instruments
This instrument amends/supersedes

1959 Antarctic Treaty

Related Instruments

1972 Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals

1980 Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources

External Links
Additional Information

Note Article 4 ‘Relationship with Other Components of the Antarctic Treaty System’:

“1. This Protocol shall supplement the Antarctic Treaty and shall neither modify nor amend that Treaty.

2. Nothing in this Protocol shall derogate from the rights and obligations of the Parties to this Protocol under the other international instruments in force within the Antarctic Treaty system.”