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Additional Annexes 1999-Protocol-on-the-Special-Arrangement-for-Sensitive-and-Highly-Sensitive-Products-Annexes-2.pdf
Summary Information
Full Title 1999 Protocol on Special Arrangements for Sensitive and Highly Sensitive Products
Short Title / Abbreviations S/HS Products Protocol
CIL Subject Classification
Date of Adoption 30/09/1999
Place of Adoption Singapore, 31st ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) Meeting
Issued/Adopted by Economic Ministers of ASEAN
Dispute Settlement

This was one of the ‘Covered Agreements’ pursuant to Article 1.1 of the 1996 ASEAN Protocol on Dispute Settlement Mechanism.

Subsequently, this is one of the ‘Covered Agreements’ pursuant to Article 1.1 of the 2004 ASEAN Protocol on Enhanced Dispute Settlement Mechanism read together with its Appendix I.

Depository Secretary-General of ASEAN

Annex 1 – List of Highly Sensitive Products

Annex 2 – List of Sensitive Products (amended by Article 1 of the 2004 First Protocol to Amend the Protocol on Special Arrangements on Sensitive and Highly Sensitive Products)

Annex 3 – Tariff Reduction for Highly Sensitive Products

Annex 4 – Additional Flexibility on Safeguards

Entry Into Force Status Superseded
Source ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN Secretariat Table of ASEAN Treaties/Agreements and Ratification (As of October 2012), Analysis by CIL
Date of Termination 30/10/2010
Entry into Force/Termination Provisions

Article IX ‘Final Provisions’:

“1. This Protocol shall enter into force upon the deposit of instruments of ratification or acceptance by all signatory governments with the Secretary-General of ASEAN.”

ASEAN States (Source: ASEAN Secretariat Table of ASEAN Treaties/Agreements and Ratification, as of 03/07/2018)
Brunei Darussalam
Related Instruments
Protocols / Amendments

This Agreement has been superseded pursuant to Article 91(2) of the 2009 ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement read together with its Annex 11.

2004 First Protocol to Amend the Protocol on Special Arrangements for Sensitive and Highly Sensitive Products

Amending / Superseding

1992 Agreement on the Common Effective Preferential Tariff Scheme for the ASEAN Free Trade Area

1995 Protocol to Amend the Common Effective Preferential Tariff Scheme for the ASEAN Free Trade Area

2003 Protocol to Amend the Agreement on the Common Effective Preferential Tariff Scheme for the ASEAN Free Trade Area for the Elimination of Import Duties

Additional Information

Note Article VIII ‘Reciprocity’:

“Sensitive products shall enjoy CEPT concessions subject to the provision of Article 4, Section B of the CEPT Agreement.”

Ratification information for this instrument is not available on the current ASEAN Secretariat Legal Instruments website. Details above are taken from the last published information on this instrument.

Prepared By RY on 23/02/2011
Checked By SPK on 18/05/2011
Last Updated By NA on 03/07/2018