Summary Information
Full Title

2007 Cebu Declaration on the Blueprint of the ASEAN Charter

CIL Subject Classification
Date of Adoption 13/01/2007
Place of Adoption Cebu, Philippines, 12th ASEAN Summit
Issued/Adopted by Heads of State/Government of ASEAN
Entry Into Force Status Not Applicable
ASEAN States
Brunei Darussalam Signature 13/01/2007
Cambodia Signature 13/01/2007
Indonesia Signature 13/01/2007
Lao PDR Signature 13/01/2007
Malaysia Signature 13/01/2007
Myanmar Signature 13/01/2007
Philippines Signature 13/01/2007
Singapore Signature 13/01/2007
Thailand Signature 13/01/2007
Vietnam Signature 13/01/2007
Related Instruments
Related Instruments

2005 Kuala Lumpur Declaration on the Establishment of the ASEAN Charter

2007 Report of the Eminent Persons Group On The ASEAN Charter

2007 Charter of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

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