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  • 1996 Protocol to Amend the 1976 Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims
Summary Information
Full Title

1996 Protocol to Amend the 1976 Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims

Short Title / Abbreviations


CIL Subject Classification
Citations to Text 35 ILM 1433 (1996)
Date of Adoption 02/05/1996
Place of Adoption London, United Kingdom
Secretariat / Relevant Authority

International Maritime Organization


Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization

Entry Into Force Status In Force

International Maritime Organization

Date of Entry into Force


Entry into Force / Termination Provisions

Article 11: Entry into force

“1. This Protocol shall enter into force ninety days following the date on which ten States have expressed their consent to be bound by it.

2. For any State which expresses its consent to be bound by this Protocol after the conditions in paragraph 1 for entry into force have been met, this Protocol shall enter into force ninety days following the date of expression of such consent.”

General Status 64 Parties (as of 23/10/2023)
Links to Current Status/Reservations International Maritime Organization
ASEAN States
Brunei Darussalam
Malaysia Accession 12/11/2008
Singapore Accession 30/09/2019
Related Instruments
Protocols / Amendments to this instrument

2012 (Limitation Amounts set out in Article 3 of the 1996 LLMC Protocol) Amendments (LEG.5(99)) 

This instrument amends/supersedes

1976 Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims

Related Instruments

1969 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage

1992 Protocol to amend the 1971 International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage

1971 Convention Relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material

1974 Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea

1996 International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea

2001 International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage

2007 Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks

External Links