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  • 1979 Agreement between the Government of Indonesia and ASEAN relating to the Privileges and Immunities of the ASEAN Secretariat
Summary Information
Full Title

1979 Agreement between the Government of Indonesia and ASEAN relating to the Privileges and Immunities of the ASEAN Secretariat

Short Title / Abbreviations

1979 Host Agreement on P&I/Host Country Agreement (HCA)

CIL Subject Classification
Date of Adoption 20/01/1979
Place of Adoption Jakarta, Indonesia
Issued/Adopted by Secretary-General of ASEAN and Foreign Minister of Indonesia
Entry Into Force Status Terminated
Date of Termination


Entry into Force / Termination Provisions

Article 10 Final Provisions

“1. This Agreement shall be signed and shall enter into force on the date of notification to the Secretary-General of its ratification by the Government.”

Terminated by the 2012 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on Hosting and Granting Privileges and Immunities to the ASEAN Secretariat :

Article 23 “Final Provisions”

“1. The Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and ASEAN Relating to the Privileges and Immunities of the ASEAN Secretariat of 1979 and the Agreement on the Use and Maintenance of the Premises of the ASEAN Secretariat of 1981 shall be terminated with immediate effect upon the entry into force of this Agreement.”

ASEAN States (Source:

(Ratification and notification information not available)

as of
Brunei Darussalam
Indonesia Signature 20/01/1979
Related Instruments
Protocols / Amendments to this instrument

2012 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on Hosting and Granting Privileges and Immunities to the ASEAN Secretariat

Related Instruments

1976 Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN Secretariat

1976 Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN Secretariat

2009 Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

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