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  • 1997 Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the ASEAN Foundation
Summary Information
Full Title

1997 Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the ASEAN Foundation

Short Title / Abbreviations

1997 AF MOU

CIL Subject Classification
Date of Adoption 15/12/1997
Place of Adoption Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at the 2nd Informal ASEAN Summit (AIS)
Issued/Adopted by Heads of State/Government of ASEAN
Dispute settlement provisions

Article 10(c) ‘Final Provisions’:

“All differences in the interpretation of the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be settled through consultation among the Member Countries.”


Entry Into Force Status Terminated

ASEAN Legal Instruments

Date of Entry into Force


Date of Termination


Entry into Force / Termination Provisions

Article 10(b) ‘Final Provisions’:

“This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force on the date of the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding.”


Termination –

Art XVIII(1) of 2000 Revised Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the ASEAN Foundation

“Subject to clause 2 of this Article, the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of
the Foundation done in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on the Fifteenth day of December 1997 is
hereby repealed, hereinafter referred to as “the repealed Memorandum of Understanding”.

ASEAN States
Brunei Darussalam Signature 15/12/1997
Cambodia Accession 30/04/1999
Indonesia Signature 15/12/1997
Lao PDR Signature 15/12/1997
Malaysia Signature 15/12/1997
Myanmar Signature 15/12/1997
Philippines Signature 15/12/1997
Singapore Signature 15/12/1997
Thailand Signature 15/12/1997
Vietnam Signature 15/12/1997
Related Instruments
Protocols / Amendments to this instrument

2000 Revised Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the ASEAN Foundation

Related Instruments

1995 Bangkok Summit Declaration

1996 Framework for Elevating Functional Cooperation

2015 Protocol Amending the Revised Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the ASEAN Foundation

2019 Second Protocol Amending the Revised Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the ASEAN Foundation

External Links
Additional Information

Repealed by the 2000 Revised Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the ASEAN Foundation. The date of termination indicated above is the date of entry into force of the 2000 Revised MOU.

Cambodia was not a member of the ASEAN when this Agreement entered into force. Cambodia acceded to this agreement pursuant to the 1999 Protocol for the Accession of the Kingdom of Cambodia to ASEAN Agreements.