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  • 2019 First Protocol to Amend the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
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Summary Information
Full Title

2019 First Protocol to Amend the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement

Short Title / Abbreviations

2019 AJCEP First Protocol, ASEAN-Japan FTA 1st Protocol

CIL Subject Classification
Date of Adoption 24/04/2019
Date of Adoption Comment The protocol was signed at various locations and dates.
Place of Adoption Tokyo, Japan (27/02/2019); Siem Reap, Cambodia (02/03/2019); Hanoi, Vietnam (24/04/2019)
Issued/Adopted by Trade Ministers of ASEAN and Japan
Dispute settlement provisions

See Chapter 9 (Settlement of Disputes) of the 2008 Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Partnership among Japan and Member States of ASEAN


Secretary-General of ASEAN


Appendix 1: Table of Contents

Appendix 2: Annex 6: Schedule of Specific Commitments

Cover Page

Schedule of Brunei Darussalam

Schedule of the Kingdom of Cambodia

Schedule of the Republic of Indonesia

Schedule of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Schedule of Malaysia

Schedule of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Schedule of the Republic of the Philippines

Schedule of the Republic of Singapore

Schedule of the Kingdom of Thailand

Schedule of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

Schedule of Japan

Appendix 3: Annex 7: List of Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment Exemptions

Appendix 4: Annex 8: List of Parties in relation to paragraph 3 of Article 50.3

Appendix 5: Annex 9: Specific Commitments for the Movement of Natural Persons

Cover Page

Schedule of Brunei Darussalam

Schedule of the Kingdom of Cambodia

Schedule of the Republic of Indonesia

Schedule of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Schedule of Malaysia

Schedule of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Schedule of the Republic of the Philippines

Schedule of the Republic of Singapore

Schedule of the Kingdom of Thailand

Schedule of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

Schedule of Japan

Entry Into Force Status In Force

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Date of Entry into Force


Entry into Force / Termination Provisions

“Article 8: Entry into Force

  1. The Government of each signatory State shall notify the Governments of other signatory States in writing that its legal procedures necessary for entry into force of this Protocol have been completed. This Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date by which such notifications have been made by the Governments of Japan and at least one (1) ASEAN Member State in relation to those signatory States that have made such notifications by that date.
  2. In relation to an ASEAN Member State making the notification referred to in paragraph 1 after the date by which the notifications have been made by the Governments of Japan and at least one (1) ASEAN Member State as referred to in paragraph 1, this Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date on which that ASEAN Member State makes the notification.
  3. The ASEAN Member State referred to in paragraph 2 shall be bound by any amendment that may have been adopted by the Joint Committee and takes effect pursuant to paragraph 5 of Article 77 of the AJCEP Agreement by the time of entry into force of this Protocol for it. This paragraph shall not prevent the Parties of the AJCEP Agreement for which this Protocol has entered into force from applying such amendment to that ASEAN Member State before the date of entry into force of this Protocol for it.
  4. This Protocol shall remain in force as long as the AJCEP Agreement remains in force.”

ASEAN States (Source:

Document Text, MOFA

as of 09/01/2024)
Brunei Darussalam Signature 24/04/2019
Cambodia Signature 24/04/2019
Indonesia Signature 24/04/2019
Lao PDR Signature 24/04/2019
Notification 02/04/2020
Entry into Force 01/08/2020
Malaysia Signature 24/04/2019
Myanmar Signature 24/04/2019
Notification 10/04/2020
Entry into Force 01/08/2020
Philippines Signature 24/04/2019
Singapore Signature 24/04/2019
Notification 30/08/2019
Entry into Force 01/08/2020
Thailand Signature 24/04/2019
Notification 05/07/2019
Entry into Force 01/08/2020
Vietnam Signature 24/04/2019
Entry into Force 
Other Country Japan  Signature 27/02/2019 Notification 15/06/2020 Entry into Force 01/08/2020
Related Instruments
This instrument amends/supersedes

2008 Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Partnership among Japan and Member States of ASEAN

Related Instruments

2003 Framework for Comprehensive Economic Partnership between Japan and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

External Links
Additional Information

While the latest date of adoption has been added for all States under “Status”, it is unclear from the document text and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan website the date on which each particular State signed this instrument.

The document has entered into force among Japan and 5 ASEAN Member States (the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the Republic of Singapore, the Kingdom of Thailand and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam). 

No official sources are available to verify the dates of Notification and Entry into Force for Viet Nam. However, unofficial news sources (see Vietnam+, WTO Center VCCI) have reported these dates to be 26/06/2020 and 01/08/2022 respectively. The date of notification for Japan was accessed by the CIL team on the MOFA Japan website in 2022.