Distinguished Speaker Series – Sleepwalking Again: Europe and the End of the Pax Americana

Prof Weiler-3Jan2015Professor Joseph Weiler, President of the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence and Leading Co-Director of CIL’s ASEAN Integrated Through Law Project, delivered a Distinguished Lecture on ‘Sleepwalking Again: Europe and the End of the Pax Americana 1914-2014′ on 3 February 2015. Professor Weiler posited that, historically, the unstated foundations of European security policy rested on the Pax Americana – relying on it both as deterrent and as the ultimate guarantor in case of hostilities. The Pax Americana however is ostensibly over and what we are witnessing today is a diminishment in American ‘Global Authority’ in both containing and restraining threats. The current security circumstance is similar to the period before the First World War – and Europe is sleepwalking again. For more information about the lecture, please click here.

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