  Various Speakers
Singapore Management University
4 July 2011 (Monday)
16 July 2011 (Saturday)

4th Annual Summer Institute in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights "The Rights of Women and Children

The 4th Annual Summer Institute in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights "The Rights of Women and Children" was held from Monday, July 4 - Saturday, July 16, 2011, in Singapore.

About the Workshop

Organized by the Asian International Justice Initiative (AIJI), the workshop is a collaboration between the UC Berkeley War Crimes Studies Center and the East-West Center in partnership with:

Centre for International Law (CIL) at the National University of Singapore
Singapore Management University School of Law (SMU)
International Institute for Child Rights and Development
Human Rights Resource Center for ASEAN.

The Summer Institute in International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights is a regionally based workshop held in partnership with organizations in Southeast Asia to consider key IHL and human rights issues, past and present, facing the region. Established in 2008, the Summer Institute is designed for participants working across a broad range of fields and disciplines and is best suited to those working within the Asia Pacific region, whose work has an Asia Pacific focus, or who wish to engage in comparative analysis regarding the application of IHL and human rights instruments as they apply in historical and political context of the region.

The fourth annual Summer Institute took place over a two-week period, beginning with seven days of course work in Singapore, and ended with a field-trip component in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This year's course focused on the rights of women and children in wartime and in peace. In keeping with the rationale behind the establishment of the Summer Institute, the curriculum focused primarily on case studies from Asia-Pacific countries, while encouraging comparative exploration with other regions of the world.

Additional Information

Further information on the course content, including a draft course outline and the complete faculty roster, will be posted on the Summer Institute 2011 webpage shortly. Participants will be taught by a faculty of experts from the region. Prospective participants should continue to check the website for updates later in the spring. To inquire about the program contact Penelope Van Tuyl (Coordinator) at or visit

Keynote Address

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