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  • After COP, before COP – A roundtable discussion of the outcomes of COP26 and the road ahead to COP27 and the Global Stocktake
via Zoom, UK Time
26 November 2021 (Friday)
26 November 2021 (Friday)

After COP, before COP

A roundtable discussion of the outcomes of COP26
and the road ahead to COP27 and the Global Stocktake

TWO SESSIONS – 10 am to 11.30am and 4pm – 5.30pm (UK TIME)
Friday, 26 November

Morning Session, 10 am to 11.30am, UK Time

Afternoon Session, 4pm – 5.30pm, UK Time

The lecture series was offered in the run up to COP26 by the Centre for International Law-NUS, Durham Law School and the IUCN WCEL and provided expert insights from leading experts in climate change law. It provided an expert overview of the key issues that are important for the outcome of COP 26/CMA 3, in the context of past COPs and the UNFCCC/Paris Agreement legal framework. The lecture series attracted a wide audience of government officials, academics, NGOs, students and others are attending or are interested in COP 26/CMA 3. Recordings are available here.