  by Captain J Ashley Roach
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
10 December 2014 (Wednesday)
10 December 2014 (Wednesday)

This seminar was supported by Singapore Maritime Institute and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore

10 December 2014 | CIL Seminar Series

Arctic IMO Issues


Capt Roach-10Dec2014
This lecture examined a range of issues involving the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and its efforts to enhance the safety of navigation in and protection of the marine environment of the Arctic Ocean. The lecture briefly described the IMO and then focused on various aspects of the Polar Code, including the IMO’s rules for the tacit acceptance procedure of amendments to the technical provisions of SOLAS and MARPOL, the geographic scope of the Polar Code, its applicability to various classes of ships, and training and certification of seafarers for Arctic operations. The lecture also discussed potential new IMO measures affecting Arctic shipping.


About the Speaker

Captain J. Ashley ROACH, JAGC, U.S. Navy (retired) was attorney adviser in the Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State, from 1988 until he retired at the end of January 2009. He was responsible for law of the sea matters. He has taught, advised and published extensively on national maritime claims and other law of the sea issues, including piracy and armed robbery at sea. He has negotiated, and participated in the negotiation of, numerous international agreements involving law of the sea issues. He received his LL.M. (highest honors in public international law and comparative law) from the George Washington University School of Law in 1971 and his J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1963.



To download Capt Roach’s presentation in PDF format, click here.