Zoom (Singapore Time)
2 May 2023 (Tuesday)
2 May 2023 (Tuesday)
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm


2 May 2023, Tuesday, 5pm-6pm SGT / 11am-12pm CEST
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The coherence of decisions produced in investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) has long been a cause of concern for states and a point of criticism in academic literature, so much so, that a perceived lack of coherence in ISDS is now among the core drivers of ISDS reform. Yet, despite the centrality of this concern, there is a notable absence of in-depth examination into the concept of coherence itself. How should one conceive of coherence in the ISDS context and what are some of its theoretical and practical manifestations therein? This panel seeks to suggest answers to these questions. The starting point for the discussion is the recently published book Manifestations of Coherence and Investor-State Arbitration (Cambridge University Press, 2023), authored by Charalampos Giannakopoulos. 

Opening Remarks
Jansen Calamita, Head, Investment Law & Policy (Centre for International Law); Research Associate Professor (National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law)

Panel Discussion
Charalampos Giannakopoulos, Senior Research Fellow (Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore)

Thomas Schultz, Professor (University of Geneva, Faculty of Law)



Transnational Dispute Management (TDM, ISSN 1875-4120) is a comprehensive and innovative information service on the management of international disputes, with a focus on the rapidly evolving area of investment arbitration, but also in other significant areas of international investment (such as oil, gas, energy, infrastructure, mining, utilities etc).

It deals both with formal adjudicatory procedures (mainly investment and commercial arbitration), but also mediation/ADR methods, negotiation and managerial ways to manage transnational disputes efficiently. See here for more information. You can apply for a free OGEMID trial membership and students can sign up for Young-OGEMID (which is free).