  Various Speakers
Blue Bali
27 September 2013 (Friday)
27 September 2013 (Friday)

27 September 2013 | CIL Book Launch

Book Launch of “Beyond Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea”


CIL’s publication “Beyond Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: Legal Frameworks for Joint Development of Hydrocarbon Resources” was launched by the Chairman of CIL’s International Advisory Panel Professor S Jayakumar on 27 September 2013. Edited by Professor Robert Beckman, Professor Ian Townsend-Gault, Professor Clive Schofield, Ms Tara Davenport and Mr Leonardo Bernard, this highly informative and up-to-date book brings together experts in law of the sea to explore the legal and geopolitical aspects of the South China Sea disputes and provide an in-depth examination on the prospects of joint development in the South China Sea.

The book will be on 35% discount until 30 November 2013 and can be ordered through the Edward Elgar Publishing. For more details about the book and to get the promotion code, click here.