  Various Speakers
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
20 December 2010 (Monday)
21 December 2010 (Tuesday)

20-21 December 2010 | ASEAN ITL Workshop Series

CIL “ASEAN Integration Through Law” Workshop Series


asean-flag-150CIL hosted the second installation of its workshop series “ASEAN Integration through Law” from 20-21 December 2010 at the NUS Bukit Timah Campus. The workshop was chaired by ASEAN Integration through Law (ITL) project co-directors Prof Joseph Weiler, Assoc Prof Michael Ewing-Chow, and ITL Executive Director Dr Tan Hsien-Li. Investigators from the 10 ASEAN countries shared preliminary research on the theme “Implementation in the ASEAN 10” and discussed comparative perspectives from the respective ASEAN countries on the domestic legislative process, judicial recognition of international treaties, the status of treaties in the domestic legislation, hierarchy of norms, and the domestic legal culture with regards to international law. They also discussed the next steps for the ITL project, including a common set of case studies on implementation of ASEAN law and policy in each of the 10 countries. The ITL workshops will culminate in the “ASEAN Integration Through Law” publication series edited by Prof Weiler and Assoc Prof Ewing-Chow.

Investigators involved in this project are:

Hjh Siti Norishan Hj Ghafor (Brunei)
Ms Norazlina Hj Jami (Brunei)
Ms Chhim Sam Oi (Cambodia)
Mr Leo Bernanrd (Indonesia)
Mr Nalonglith Norasing (Laos)
Ms Aliza Alias (Malaysia)
Mr Kyaw Kyaw Naing (Myanmar)
Ms Diane Desierto (Philippines)
Asst Prof Eugene Tan (Singapore)
Mr Pat Niyomsilp (Thailand)
Dr Nguyen Thi Lan Anh (Vietnam)