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  • CIL Webinar – The Next Four Years: The 2020 US Presidential Election’s Impact on International Law and Relations with Asia
via Zoom
9 November 2020 (Monday)
9 November 2020 (Monday)
8:30 am - 10:00 am

The Next Four Years:
The 2020 US Presidential Election’s Impact on
International Law and Relations with Asia

9 November 2020, Monday, 8:30am – 10am (Morning), Singapore Time

Click on the image below to view the recording.

Pre-Event Information
Join us for this webinar to assess the impact of the 3 November US Presidential Election on international law and relations with Asia. Our expert panel will focus on the trade, technology, national security and foreign policy approaches of the next US Presidential administration and discuss where we might see continuity and change. The webinar will also address the incoming administration’s approach to China, Japan, South Korea, India and ASEAN; the CPTPP;  the South China Sea;  the Asia Pacific versus the Indo-Pacific;  and to multilateralism and international law.

Simon Chesterman, Dean, NUS Law School / Deputy Chairman, CIL Governing Board

Kanti Bajpai, Director, Centre on Asia and Globalisation, NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
Steven Okun, Senior Advisor, McLarty Associates
Tina Datta, Head, Republicans Overseas in Singapore
Simon Tay, Chairman, Singapore Institute of International Affairs
Nirmal Ghosh, US Bureau Chief, Straits Times