Orchard Hotel Singapore
28 February 2020 (Friday)
28 February 2020 (Friday)

Due to the concerns regarding 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), for the safety of all our delegates, and in line with new precautionary measures adopted by the National University of Singapore, the CIL International Law Year in Review Conference 2020 will be cancelled until further notice. We will be in touch with delegates who have made payment for the conference registration fees.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

28 February 2020, Friday, Orchard Hotel Singapore

Registration Fee: S$200nett | Programme
6.0 Public CPD Points

Topics Climate Change | The International Court of Justice | International Arbitration | World Trade Organization | World Intellectual Property Organization |Regional Developments | International Law Developments

The Centre for International Law is delighted to announce the third edition of its International Law Year in Review Conference.

The conference is designed to update participants on 2019 international law developments in climate change, cases at the International Court of Justice, international arbitration and topical issues in the region and around the world, including trade laws and wars, the haze from Indonesia, Brexit and the law of the sea.

The conference will also feature a literary lunch interview by Professor Tommy Koh with author Meira Chand about her nine books and will have a special session that will launch the Oxford Handbook of International Law in Asia and the Pacific that has been recently published under the editorship of Judge Hisashi Owada and Professors Simon Chesterman and Ben Saul.

This conference is held in conjunction with the Singapore International Arbitration Academy 2020.

6.0 Public CPD Points
Practice Area: Others
Training Category: General

SILE Attendance Policy Participants who wish to obtain CPD Points are reminded that they must comply strictly with the Attendance Policy set out in the CPD Guidelines. For this activity, this includes signing in on arrival and signing out at the conclusion of the activity in the manner required by the organiser, and not being absent from the entire activity for more than 15 minutes. Participants who do not comply with the Attendance Policy will not be able to obtain CPD Points for attending the activity. Please refer to for more information.


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