  by Mr Evan Rogerson
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
19 June 2013 (Wednesday)
19 June 2013 (Wednesday)

19 June 2013 | Distinguished Speaker Series

Emerging Issues and Challenges of the WTO


MrEvanRogerson-29Jun2013The Doha Round stalemate is often cited to call into question the WTO’s ability to serve as a forum for negotiating 21st century trade agreements. Some go further and question the organization’s overall relevance. At the same time, political and negotiating energy is increasingly focused on plurilateral and regional trade deals. Does this mean the WTO is doomed to fade into obscurity? Is this something the international community can accept? If not, what can be done about it?

This presentation looked at the multifaceted role of the WTO and its future in light of current circumstances and potential challenges. Among the questions it explored were:


  • Is the WTO still relevant and useful?
  • Can we still negotiate in the WTO?
  • If so, what needs to be done to revitalize its negotiating function?
  • Is the Doha agenda still relevant?
  • What emerging issues does the multilateral system need to address, and how?
  • Do we need to change the way we negotiate in the WTO?
  • Should there be another comprehensive Round?
  • What should be the relationship between the multilateral trading system and preferential agreements?
  • What is the place of the WTO in the broader context of global governance?
  • How far should the Bali Ministerial in December help answer these questions?

The aim was not to come up with all the answers, most of which will have to be worked out among WTO members, but to help frame the issues, stimulate discussion and contribute to what needs to be a continuing debate.

About the Speaker

Mr Evan Rogerson has been a Director in the WTO for nearly twenty years. He joined its predecessor, the GATT, in 1986 and served in the Agriculture Division before joining the Office of the Director-General in 1993. He headed the DG’s Office from 1995 to 1999. He was Director of the Ministerial Sessions Division and then the Council and Trade Negotiations Committee Division from 1999 to 2012, when he returned to the Agriculture and Commodities Division as Director.

Mr Rogerson’s experience covers most of the key issues and events in the WTO’s evolution. He has attended every Ministerial Conference since 1988 and has played a key role in both the substance and the organization of most of them. He has been the Secretary to successive Ministerial Conferences, to the WTO’s General Council and to its Dispute Settlement Body. In his current role he heads the Secretariat’s work on the agriculture negotiations for Bali and the wider Doha agenda as well as handling the WTO’s involvement with the food security issue, which has an important G-20 and interagency dimension.

Before joining the GATT, Mr Rogerson served in the New Zealand diplomatic service, with postings in Brussels and London. He was also External Relations Manager for Anchor Foods in the UK. Born in Blenheim, New Zealand, in 1952, he was educated at Auckland Grammar School and Auckland University. He is married with two adult sons.
