  by Dr Christian Bueger
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
22 April 2015 (Wednesday)
22 April 2015 (Wednesday)

22 April 2015 | CIL Seminar Series

From Dusk to Dawn? Maritime Domain Awareness in South East Asia


Dr Christian Bueger-22Apr2015
Information Sharing and Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) are at the heart of the contemporary maritime security agenda. The goal of MDA is to develop shared understandings of developments and threats at sea. This provides one of the preconditions for coordination and cooperation between the diverse maritime security agencies. In this seminar, Dr Bueger presented his paper on the organisation of MDA in the South East Asian region. He argued that MDA is not only a technical challenge, but also a social, political and legal one. Three South East Asian MDA and Information Sharing centres were discussed in light of these challenges. The political and social functions these centres perform in the governance of maritime security in the region were explored. The conclusion outlined what lessons the South East Asian system suggests for organising MDA in other regions, including the Western Indian Ocean and West Africa and the rise of a cooperative security culture.


About the Speaker

To download Dr Bueger’s presentation, click here.

About the Speaker

Dr Christian Bueger is a Reader in International Relations at Cardiff University and currently a visiting fellow at the Centre for International Law of the National University of Singapore. He is the principal investigator of an ESRC Project on “Counter-Piracy Governance”, and one of the lead investigators of the Lessons Learned Consortium of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia ( He holds a PhD from the European University Institute and has been a visiting fellow at Copenhagen University and the Greenwich Maritime Institute. He has published over 60 articles and book chapters on maritime security, contemporary piracy and international relations theory in such journals as Marine Policy, International Studies Quarterly and International Political Sociology. Further information is available at
