  Various Speakers
Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel
16 June 2011 (Thursday)
17 June 2011 (Friday)

International Conference on Joint Development and the South China Sea

General Information

The Conference was organised by the Centre for International Law (CIL), National University of Singapore. It was held on the 16th and 17th of June 2011 (Thursday and Friday) at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore.

The Conference brought together international legal experts on joint development, representatives from the oil and gas industry and government officials from the region to examine the law and policy issues relating to the joint development of oil and gas resources in areas of overlapping claims in the South China Sea. The first day of the Conference gave background to the South China Sea disputes and to the concept of joint development, its rationale, key provisions and issues. Day Two examined the existing joint development arrangements in the region, to determine whether there are models or lessons learned that may be applicable to joint development arrangements in the South China Sea.

For information about CIL's South China Sea research project, click here.

Conference Report



Keynote Address

To view Prof Jayakumar's speech in PDF format, click here.

Information and Draft Agenda

Information about the conference and the draft agenda can be downloaded in PDF format here.

PowerPoint Presentations presented during the Conference

For a list of PowerPoint presentations presented during the conference and to view them in PDF format, click here.

Press Media

For a review of Prof Jayakumar's keynote address in the Straits Times, click here.
For articles about the conference in TodayOnline, Channel News Asia and Straits Times, click here.