  by Mr Richard W. Naimark
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
22 September 2010 (Wednesday)
22 September 2010 (Wednesday)

22 September 2010 | CIL Seminar Series

Sports Related Dispute Arbitration under IOC (International Olympic Committee) & CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sports) and USOC (United States Olympic Committee)

International Sports Arbitration




International sports, whether it is an Olympic games involving many amateur athletes or highly paid football super stars salary, needs an efficient way of addressing disputes of many different kinds.

Mr Naimark looked into the basic structure of and the relationship between IOC and CAS. He discussed different types of sports related disputes during Olympic games and how CAS operates to resolve such disputes. He further explained the extended role of CAS to address other non-Olympic related sorts disputes.

Mr Naimark also discussed how United States Olympic Committee deals with sports related disputes including all eligibility issues, drug abuse incidents and so forth. He discussed the similarities between CAS and AAA (American Arbitration Association) and a few differences between them.


About the Speaker

Richard W. Naimark is Senior Vice President of American Arbitration Association (AAA) in charge of International of the International Center for Dispute Resolution (ICDR). He is the founder and former Executive Director of the Global Center for Dispute Resolution Research, which conducted research in arbitration and ADR for business disputes in cross-border transactions. Mr Naimark is an experienced mediator and facilitator, having served as a neutral in a wide variety of business and organizational settings. Experience includes work with the United Nations (UNCITRAL); government; universities; corporate; construction; computer; real estate; land use; insurance; and non-profit subject areas.

Mr Naimark is also responsible for legislative monitoring functions and has held positions responsible for Strategy, Outreach and Public Relations, E-Commerce, Administration, Human Resources, Accounting, Information Technology, and Election. Since joining the Association in 1975, Mr Naimark has conducted hundreds of seminars and training programs on dispute resolution and is co-editor of the book Toward a Science of International Arbitration. Articles recently published include Arbitrators Do Not “Split-the-Baby”: Empirical Evidence from International Business Arbitration, International Private Commercial Arbitration: Expectations and Perceptions of Attorneys and Business People, and Analysis Of UNCITRAL Questionnaires On Interim Relief. Mr Naimark has been selected for inclusion in Who’s Who in the East, Who’s Who in Finance and Industry and Who’s Who in Emerging Leaders in America. Mr Naimark earned a Masters of Science – Business Policy in 1983, from Columbia Business School and is a graduate of the University of Rhode Island (B.A., 1975).


To download Mr Naimark’s PowerPoint presentation in PDF format, please click here.
