  Various Speakers
Mandarin Orchard Singapore
4 July 2013 (Thursday)
4 July 2013 (Thursday)

4 July 2013 | Launch

Launch of the World Investment Report 2013


The World Investment Report 2013 (WIR13), subtitled “Global Value Chains: Investment and Trade for Development”, is the 23rd in the series and was released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) at 17:00GMT on 26 June 2013. Professor Michael Ewing-Chow, CIL’s Head of Trade and Investment Law and a contributor to the report, presented the WIR2013 to over 60 government officials, business leaders and academics during the launch on 4 July 2013 in Singapore, which was chosen as one of the 42 countries where the WIR 2013 was launched during the period of June to July 2013.

The WIR13 presents the latest data and trends on foreign direct investment (FDI) and related policies. It focuses particularly on global value chains and the role that investment and trade play in development. The WIR13 can be downloaded at


12:30pm Arrival & Registration of Guests
12:45pm Welcome Speech by Professor Michael Ewing-Chow
01:05pm Question & Answer
01:20pm Lunch Reception
02:00pm End of Launch & Lunch