23 April 2015 | CIL Seminar Series
Modern Investment Treaty-Making Practice: Restatement, Elaboration and Transparency
The Centre for International Law is pleased to host the NUS-SMU Public Lecture Series on International Investment Law and Dispute Resolution.
An examination of the trend away from short treaties worded in general terms to present-day treaty-making in which negotiators are adding greater precision with respect to the various procedural and substantive aspects of arbitration of investment treaty disputes.
To download Mr Thomas’s presentation, click here (PDF).
About the Speaker
Mr J Christopher Thomas QC is Senior Principal Research Fellow at the Centre for International Law at the National University of Singapore. He has appeared as counsel in investor-State disputes, judicial review applications involving investor-State arbitration awards, and has acted as an arbitrator or is currently acting as an arbitrator in investment treaty claims. He has acted as counsel or legal advisor in GATT, Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, WTO, and NAFTA disputes. He has also acted as a Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement panelist, a GATT panelist, and argued the first State-to-State dispute to arise under the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement. In respect of the negotiation and drafting of international treaties, Mr. Thomas has advised a number of States on such negotiations, including the Canada-U.S. free trade negotiations, the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, the NAFTA negotiations, and other treaty negotiations.