Regional Workshop and Dialogue on International Law in Cyberspace: Asian Perspectives and Current Trends
18-19 April 2023
Hybrid Format – Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore & Zoom
The Centre for International Law is delighted to announce, in collaboration with Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the convening of a Regional Workshop and Dialogue on International Law in Cyberspace: Asian Perspectives and Current Trends (in hybrid format) on 18-19 April 2023, in Singapore. This will be carried out as part of Chatham House’s ‘Cyberspace4All Project‘, which is supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and co-led by Chatham House’s International Security Programme (ISP) and International Law Programme (ILP). The sessions will provide a broad overview of how various rules of international law apply to cyberspace, focusing on the most pressing issues of the moment, and with input from experts working on related fields, such as cybersecurity and cyber policy. They will be tailored to participants’ interests and level of knowledge, and follow a practical, operational approach to international law. This event will be targeted at representatives of governments, international organizations, industry, and civil society based in ASEAN member states and other Asian countries, such as Japan, South Korea and China. In addition to participants deepening their knowledge of the developments in and international legal and policy issues associated with cyberspace, the workshop also offers participants an invaluable opportunity to network and engage in discussions with an international panel of experts. The full programme with list of speakers can be found here.
As there is limited “in person” capacity, please register your interest early (by 12 April 2023). Confirmation of registration of “in person” attendance will be provided to applicants.