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NUS Bukit Timah Campus
12 July 2012 (Thursday)
14 July 2012 (Saturday)


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SIEL 2012 Recap

The National University of Singapore (NUS) became the first University in the Asia-Pacific region to host the biennial conference of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL) last week. SIEL is the leading global association of international economic law academics and practioners.

Organised by the Centre for International Law (CIL) and hosted by the Faculty of Law (NUS Law), the conference took place at the Bukit Timah Campus from 12-14 July 2012100 speakers and 272 delegates representing more than 150 institutions from over 50 countries took part.

SIEL’s Executive Vice President, Associate Professor Colin Picker, explained why the London-based organisation selected NUS: “CIL has quickly established itself as one of the leading global centres for trade and investment law, while NUS Law is one of the best law schools in the world and brings to the table a level of professionalism and depth almost unmatched in the world.”

Dean of NUS Law Professor Simon Chesterman welcomed the guests by inviting them to shape future research and policy innovations in international economic law: “Singapore has always been a hub for the trade of goods; this conference shows that it is now also a hub for trading in ideas.” Head of CIL’s trade and investment law programme, Associate Professor Michael Ewing-Chow, added: “With the gravitational shift in global trade and investments towards Asia over the last decade, it is timely that one of the major forums for thought leadership in international economic law is held in Singapore.”

The 3-day conference featured three keynote sessions: the prestigious Robert Hudec Lecture, delivered by Chang-fa Lo, Justice of the Constitutional Court (Judicial Yuan), Taiwan & former Dean, College of Law, National Taiwan University, on the timely topic “External Regime Coherence: WTO/BITs and Public Health Tension as an Illustration”; an international investment law keynote with Meg Kinnear, Secretary-General of ICSID as the main speaker and Anna Joubin-Bret, Partner with Foley Hoag LLP as discussant; and for the first time, a financial/monetary keynote dialogue between Masahiro Kawai, Dean and CEO of the Asian Development Bank Institute and Cynthia Lichtenstein, Professor Emeritusa, Boston College Law School.

On Friday evening, around 230 guests enjoyed a networking reception hosted by CIL at the icnonic ION Sky, which offers an unrivalled 360-degree view from the highest point on Orchard Road.

Professor Chang-fa Lo, Justice of the Constitutional Court of Taiwan, delivered the Robert Hudec Lecture at the SIEL conference on 12 July 2012. The lecture was moderated by Associate Professor Gabrielle Marceau, legal counsellor for the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

SIEL Opening Ceremony on 12 July 2012. Front Row (Left to Right): Prof Simon Chesterman, Dean of the NUS Law School; Assoc Prof Michael Ewing-Chow, Head of Trade and Investment Law at CIL; Assoc Prof Gabrielle Marceau , World Trade Organisation (WTO); Dr Navin Rajagobal, CIL Deputy Director; and Professor Chang-fa Lo, Justice of the Constitutional Court of Taiwan.

Photo Gallery

To view the complete SIEL 2012 photo gallery, please click here.

Speeches, Lectures & Media

Welcome note – To download Assoc Prof Michael Ewing-Chow’s Welcome Note, please click here.

Robert Hudec Lecture – To download Prof Chang-fa Lo’s Robert Hudec Lecture, please click here.

Press Release – To download the official Conference press release, click here.

Conference Programme

You can download the Conference programme in PDF format by clicking here.

SIEL 2012 Hosts

The 2012 Biennial Global Conference of the Society of International Economic Law was jointly hosted by NUS’ Centre for International Law (CIL) and the NUS Faculty of Law.


For more information about the hosts, please visit the following pages:

