30 March 2012 | This event was the third of the CIL Fireside Chat Series on International Law and Diplomacy.
Territorial Disputes in Asia: Lessons from Pedra Branca
The Centre for International Law (CIL) held the 3rd Fireside Chat on “Territorial Disputes in Asia: Lessons from Pedra Branca” on 30 March 2012. The talk explored Singapore’s first experience in international litigation when Singapore and Malaysia agreed to submit their sovereignty dispute over Pedra Branca, Middle Rocks and South Ledge to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
This instalment of CIL’s Fireside Chat Series was hosted by Professor Tommy Koh and featured a Panel composed of Professor S Jayakumar, the Honourable Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong and CIL Director Professor Robert Beckman.
Being part of the delegation that represented Singapore at the ICJ, Prof Jayakumar, Prof Koh and the Chief Justice provided insight into the factors which compelled both countries to agree to bring the dispute to the ICJ, the legal arguments employed by both sides, and their views on the judgment of the ICJ. Prof Beckman, bringing his considerable international law expertise to the discussion, also shared his views on the merits of the decision. The discussion also explored the lessons learned from the way the two countries handled the dispute and how such lessons are applicable to other territorial disputes in Asia. Law students and government officers from Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC), Maritime Port Authority (MPA) and Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) participated in the discussion and learned from the panelists’ firsthand experience in and out of the courtroom throughout the proceedings.
Attendance was open only to NUS, NTU and SMU Students who registered.
About the CIL Fireside Chat Series
The CIL Fireside Chat Series is a sequence of talks scheduled in 2012 which will be hosted by Professor S. Jayakumar and Professor Tommy Koh, two of Singapore’s eminent diplomats. The series will explore the interplay between diplomacy and international law by inviting leading international lawyers and diplomats to share their insights on the legal and political considerations that shape a State’s conduct in international relations.
Host & Panelists
Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong
Professor S. Jayakumar
Professor Tommy Koh
Professor Robert Beckman