  by Captain J Ashley Roach
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
20 January 2011 (Thursday)
20 January 2011 (Thursday)

20 January 2011 | CIL Seminar Series

The Arctic




The Arctic has received considerable attention over the past few years, partly because of the littoral States’ claims to extended continental shelves, and partly because of the effects of the receding Arctic ice.

This seminar introduced the situation in the Arctic, and examined the supporting legal considerations. Matters covered included terminology, geography, maritime zones, maritime boundaries, extended continental shelves, routes used for international navigation, the IMO’s Arctic work program, the Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment, negotiations for an Arctic search and rescue agreement, and unilateral regulation in the Arctic.


About the Speaker

Captain J. Ashley ROACH, JAGC, U.S. Navy (retired) was attorney adviser in the Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State, from 1988 until he retired at the end of January 2009. He was responsible for law of the sea matters. He has taught, advised and published extensively on national maritime claims and other law of the sea issues, including piracy and armed robbery at sea. He has negotiated, and participated in the negotiation of, numerous international agreements involving law of the sea issues. He received his LL.M. (highest honors in public international law and comparative law) from the George Washington University School of Law in 1971 and his J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1963.

PowerPoint Presentation

To download Capt J Ashley Roach’s presentation in PDF format, click here.
