categories: Seminars
Zoom (Singapore Time)
29 November 2022 (Tuesday)
29 November 2022 (Tuesday)
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Watch the recording here
What is the impact of the many interventions in Ukraine v. Russia? What does this unprecedented participation tell us about the pending case and international procedural law? In conversation with CIL Dialogues editor Massimo Lando are Juliette McIntyre, Ori Pomson and Kyra Wigard. Professor Attila Tanzi joins as discussant.
Massimo Lando Assistant Professor, City University of Hong Kong
Juliette McIntyre Lecturer in Law, University of South Australia
Ori Pomson PhD candidate, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge; member, Israel Bar
Kyra Wigard PhD candidate, KU Leuven; Legal Fellow, Armanshahr OPEN ASIA
Discussant Attila Tanzi Professor of International Law, University of Bologna