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  • After Glasgow – The Take of Chief Negotiators on the Results of COP26 and the Road Ahead

After Glasgow – The Take of Chief Negotiators on the Results of COP26 and the Road Ahead

The UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow is scheduled to end on 12 November 2021. Set against a stark sixth assessment report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and extreme weather reports making headlines across the globe, no other international conference this year is drawing as high expectations for progress on tackling global warming and reducing carbon emissions than Glasgow. Together with the Embassy of Switzerland in Singapore, the Centre of International Law at the National University of Singapore is convening a high-level panel discussion on the key developments at COP26 as they relate to global climate change law and governance, such as the conclusion of the so-called Paris Rulebook and the future of market-based approaches under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The current or former lead negotiators of three states – Singapore, Switzerland and New Zealand will share their perspectives and reflections on the outcome at COP26, the contributing factors as well as the post COP26 landscape and what to expect next.