Conrado Maximanuel Cornelius (Conrado) is an Indonesian lawyer and academic with extensive professional working experience in the legal industry and academia. He commenced his professional career initially as a corporate lawyer and has had the working experience of advising and assisting domestic and foreign clients, both individual and large multinational companies, in almost all areas of Indonesian commercial law. As an academic, he has published extensively on environmental- and climate law topics with leading academic publishers such as Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, and TaylorFrancis. Moreover, he has also served as an independent legal consultant advising several Indonesia-based United Nations (UN) bodies and international non-government organizations on various environmental- and climate law issues. Prior to joining CIL-NUS, he worked as an adjunct lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia.
Conrado holds a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) degree from Universitas Indonesia and a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree with distinction from the Australian National University (ANU), where he focused his LL.M. study on international law. While studying at ANU, he was also enrolled in several public policy and regulatory theory courses at ANU’s Crawford School of Public Policy and Regulatory Network (RegNet), where he studied public policy, political ecology, and regulatory theory from economic and political science perspectives. His research interests, as demonstrated by his academic training and list of publications, include public international law, (international) environmental law, (international) climate law, legal theory, and political philosophy.”
Selected Publications
- ‘What Might Future Rights-Based Climate Litigation Look Like in Indonesia? A Preliminary Analysis’ (2024) 16 Journal of Human Rights Practice 285, https://doi.org/10.1093/jhuman/huad064.
- ‘Menafsirkan Pancasila: Wewenang Pemerintah atau Peran Warga Negara? Suatu Telaah dari Perspektif Hermeneutika Kritis Habermasian’ [‘Interpreting Pancasila: Government’s Authority or the Role of the People? – A Habermasian Critical Hermeneutics Perspective’] (2021) 33(2) Mimbar Hukum 320, https://doi.org/10.22146/mh.v33i2.2299.
- ‘Why Reclamation Bonding Mechanisms Fail in Indonesia?’ (2021) 39(4) Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 393, https://doi.org/10.1080/02646811.2020.1844962. (co-author)
- “Climate Change Litigation in Indonesia” in Jolene Lin and Douglas Kysar (eds.), Climate Change Litigation in the Asia Pacific (Cambridge University Press, 2020), 234-260. (co-author)