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  • Amiel Ian Valdez’s article titled ‘A Continuing Mandamus to Enforce Rights to Adequate Housing in The Era of Super Typhoons’ has just been published!

Amiel Ian Valdez’s article titled ‘A Continuing Mandamus to Enforce Rights to Adequate Housing in The Era of Super Typhoons’ has just been published!


Amiel Ian Valdez’s article titled ‘A Continuing Mandamus to Enforce Rights to Adequate Housing in The Era of Super Typhoons’ has just been published by the Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law Vol. 24 No. 1, 2021, pp. 120–144.

Access the article here: https://www.elgaronline.com/view/journals/apjel/24-1/apjel.2021.01.05.xml.

In this article, Amiel notes that, due to anthropogenic climate change, an era of ‘super typhoons’ has arrived. Drawing on the Philippine experience of such typhoons, which experience has included losses of lives, displacements of people and damage to houses, properties and livelihoods, the article considers the legal standard of the right to adequate housing under both international human rights law and international climate change law, and the Philippines’ commitments to these regimes. He argues that post-typhoon responses by the Philippine government have been fragmented, reactive and ephemeral, and that the current housing laws contain significant gaps. He then argues that these issues are incongruent with minimum required standards for adequate housing; and that domestic courts may play an important role in enforcing the government’s adaptation commitments under the Paris Agreement, especially if using the writ of continuing mandamus.