Bibliography on Investor-State Conciliation and Mediation


This annotated bibliography presents the most extensive literature review to date on investor-State conciliation and mediation, covering more than 90 sources. It is intended to serve as an introduction to investor-State conciliation and mediation, and as a snapshot of the major publications on this topic. The bibliography includes works that (1) provide the historical context for investor-State conciliation and mediation, (2) discuss contemporary practice, and (3) set out future directions. Annotations have been prepared for every work cited, with an emphasis on the work’s contribution to scholarship. All works have been classified and placed into sections based on their subject matter. For easier navigation, each section is prefaced with an outline that provides broader context and a very brief survey of the works annotated in that section.

A shorter version of this bibliography was published by Oxford Bibliographies in May 2021.

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