Compilation of Provisions on Treaty Practice of the Council of Europe
This document forms part of the ‘Compilation of Constitutional and Legislative Provisions on Treaty Practice of Selected States and International Organisations’, which contains the most important constitutional, legislative and other official provisions relevant to treaty practice of a selection of states and international organisations. The compilation was produced by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) and the Centre for International Law (CIL) as a handbook of reference material for participants at the Workshop on Treaty Law and Practice held in Singapore on 16-19 January 2012, and has been subsequently updated and adapted for publication as an online resource.
The document on each state includes provisions relating to all aspects of national treaty practice including negotiation, signature, parliamentary scrutiny, consent to be bound, implementation and status of treaties in domestic law. The provisions are arranged in (broadly) the following order:
- constitutional provisions
- statutory provisions
- regulations, orders or other kinds of secondary legislation
- other documentation that sets out official requirements, conventions or procedures, including internal practice manuals whether published or unpublished
- official online sources of treaty status information
The document on each international organisation includes provisions concerning its powers and responsibilities in relation to treaties, including depositary functions, registration, publication, negotiation, signature, scrutiny, consent to be bound, implementation and compliance. They are arranged in (broadly) the following order:
- provisions in the organisation’s constitution or governing statutes
- provisions in any other statutes, rules, regulations, decisions, resolutions, etc of the organisation
- any other organisational guidance or procedures, including internal practice manuals whether published or unpublished
- online sources of the organisation’s treaty status information
Copyright in the referenced texts is vested as indicated on the original source. Copyright in the selection itself and in the added material belongs to BIICL and CIL. This compilation may not be reproduced without the express permission of the BIICL and CIL.
Feedback request: This compilation is a work in progress, in conjunction with the joint research project of BIICL and CIL on Treaty Law and Practice. The two institutes will review, update and add to the compilation from time to time. If you notice any errors, omissions, broken links or out-of-date material, or if you have any suggestions regarding the further development of this resource, please contact Ranyta Yusran.