Book Chapters

Trends and Reform Debates

Growing unease with the current functioning of the global regime of international investment agreements (IIA), together with today’s sustainable development imperative, the greater role of governments in the economy and the evolution of the investment landscape, has triggered a move towards reforming international investment rulemaking to make it better suited for today’s policy challenges. As …

Trends and Reform Debates Read More »

Air Defence Identification Zones: Implications for Freedom of Overflight and Maritime Disputes

On November 23, 2013, China declared an Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea. This ADIZ overlaps with the existing ADIZs of Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The Chinese ADIZ raised concerns from various governments and commentators in the region. First, does this ADIZ violate the principle of freedom of overflight in areas …

Air Defence Identification Zones: Implications for Freedom of Overflight and Maritime Disputes Read More »

Towards a New Regulatory Paradigm under Recent FTA Investment Chapters?

This chapter examines the resurgent emphasis on states’ inherent power to regulate for public welfare objectives, so-called ‘return of the state’, in the investment chapters of three FTAs—the recently signed, but not yet in force, Comprehensive Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), the now in force Canada–EU Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA), and the recently revised final …

Towards a New Regulatory Paradigm under Recent FTA Investment Chapters? Read More »

The Development of the Polar Code and Challenges to Its Implementation

This chapter discusses the development and adoption of the mandatory Polar Code at the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and explores its relationship with the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and various national regulations concerning shipping in the Arctic. It begins by summarising the legal regime for the Arctic region …

The Development of the Polar Code and Challenges to Its Implementation Read More »

Challenges for the Establishment of Marine Protected Areas in Response to Arctic Marine Operations and Shipping

Increasing Arctic marine use is driven primarily by natural resource development and greater marine access throughout the Arctic Ocean created by profound sea ice retreat. Significant management measures to enhance protection of Arctic people and the marine environment are emerging, including the development of marine protected areas (MPAs), which may be effective and valuable tools. …

Challenges for the Establishment of Marine Protected Areas in Response to Arctic Marine Operations and Shipping Read More »

Most-Favoured-Nation Clauses and the Centrality and Limits of General Principles

Unlike other guarantees of protection found in investment treaties, the obligation to provide most-favoured-nation (MFN) treatment derives exclusively through the act of concluding a treaty that contains an MFN clause. And yet, notwithstanding this textual pedigree, MFN clauses, unlike any other provision found in investment treaties, have twice been the subject of extended study by …

Most-Favoured-Nation Clauses and the Centrality and Limits of General Principles Read More »

Exploring the Interpretative and Jurisdictional Consequences of Including an Investment Chapter in a Free Trade Agreement

This book chapter by CIL researchers explores the interpretative experience of NAFTA tribunals with the investment chapter in the context of a multi-chapter North American Free Trade Agreement.  The chapter is part of the book Jurisdiction Admissibility and Choice of Law in International Arbitration: Liber Amicorum Michael Pryles, which discusses the jurisdiction, admissibility and choice of law …

Exploring the Interpretative and Jurisdictional Consequences of Including an Investment Chapter in a Free Trade Agreement Read More »