Publications Books Journal Articles & Book Reviews Book Chapters Working Papers Reports Event Reports Commentaries & Opinion Editorials Blogs FilterTypeBook ChaptersBooks-- ASEAN Integration Through Law-- NUS Centre for International LawCommentaries & Opinion EditorialsJournal Articles & Book ReviewsNewslettersOthersReports-- Arctic Guide-- Event Reports-- Treaty PracticeWorking Papers-- ASEAN Ideas in ProgressResearch AreaAI LawASEAN Law and PolicyClimate Change Law and PolicyCyber Law and GovernanceDirector's ActivitiesEnergy Law and PolicyGlobal Health Law and GovernanceInternational Dispute ResolutionInternational Economic Law and PolicyNuclear Law and PolicyOcean Law and PolicyOthersPublic International LawSpecial ProjectsTeaching and Researching International Law in Asia (TRILA)Year202620252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009Reset Posts per page: 9365490Results 442 to 450 of 613 Commentaries & Opinion EditorialsThe South China Sea Disputes: Formula for a Paradigm Shift?S Rajaratnam School of International Studies Commentary No 35 Book ChaptersThe Facilitation of Trade by the Rule of Law: The Cases of Singapore and ASEANConnecting to Global Market Marion Jansen, MS Jailab and Maarten Smeets (eds) WTO Publications Book ChaptersThe Philippines v. China Case and the South China Sea DisputesTerritorial Disputes in the South China Sea: Navigating Rough Waters, pp 54–65 Jing Huang and Andrew Billo (eds) Palgrave Macmillan Book ChaptersPiracy and Armed Robbery Against ShipsThe Handbook of Security, 2nd Edition, pp 234–255 Martin Gill (ed) Palgrave Macmillan Book ChaptersJurisdiction Over Pirates and Maritime TerroristsThe Limits of Maritime Jurisdiction, Chapter 15 Clive Schofield, Seokwoo Lee and Moon-Sang Kwon (eds) Martinus Nijhoff Publishers Journal Articles & Book ReviewsASEAN and the South China Sea DisputeEntering Uncharted Waters? ASEAN and the South China Sea Pavin Chachavalpongpun (ed) Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Journal Articles & Book ReviewsSearching for an Ideal International Investment Protection Regime for ASEAN + Dialogue Partners (RCEP): Where Do We Begi...Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) Discussion Paper No 25 Book ChaptersResponsibility of Flag States for Pollution of the Marine Environment: The Relevance of the UNCLOS Dispute Settlement Re...Freedom of Navigation and Globalization, pp 257–278 Myron H Nordquist, John Norton Moore, Robert C Beckman and Ronan Long (eds) Martinus Nijhoff Book ChaptersThe Cooperative Mechanism in the Straits of Malacca and SingaporeFreedom of Navigation and Globalization, pp 196–220 Myron H Nordquist, John Norton Moore, Robert C Beckman and Ronan Long (eds) Martinus Nijhoff First47484950515253Last