General Architecture

Legal Instruments

The purpose of this element is to make an inventory and to analyse the legal and political significance of the various tools through which governance and management are given effect: Blueprints, Framework Agreements, Concept Papers, Action Plans, Conventions, Agreements, Declarations et cetera etc. and then to offer a toolkit drawn from the comparative universe of Free Trade Agreements.

1. The Instruments of Governance of ASEAN—An Inventory and Critical Analysis.
(Renaud Dehousse, Davinia Abdul Aziz)

The EU, to give an example, defines its main instruments of governance—types of legislation, administrative decisions and the like—Regulations, Directives and Decisions. Over the years some ad hoc instruments were added, such as the Resolutions of the Council of Ministers and Conclusions of the Summits. ASEAN does not have the same formal categorisation of instruments. There is a myriad of Agreements, Memoranda of Understanding, Exchanges of letters, Resolutions etc. The principal function of this chapter is to create a taxonomy for the first time, a systematic categorisation of the various instruments with an analysis of their legal value and effect.

Executive summary
Authors’ profiles: Renaud DehousseDavinia Abdul Aziz