Offshore Installations and Structures

Bibliography and Other Resources

I. Legal discussions on (a) offshore installations, (b) abandonment and dumping of offshore installations, (c) placement of artificial reefs, and (d) pollution issues related to rigs-to-reefs

  1. ‘Commentary on Art. 208, 210, 211, 212’ in Myron H. Nordquist (ed.), United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 A Commentary, Volume IV (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1991) pp.135-227
  2. Alan B. Sielen, ‘Time for a Department of the Environment’ (2011) 16 Ocean & Coastal L.J.436
  3. Alan Boyle, ‘Further Development of the Law of the Sea Convention: Mechanisms for Change’ (2005) International and Comparative Law Quarterly Vol.54, pp. 563-584
  4. Alan E. Boyle, ‘Marine Pollution Under the Law of the Sea Convention’ (1985) 19 American Journal of International law 1985, pp. 347-372
  5. Alexandre Kiss and Dinah Shelton, ‘Strict Liability in International Environmental Law’ in Tafsir Malick Ndiayem and Rüdiger Wolfrum (eds.) Law of the Sea, Environmental Law and Settlement of Disputes: Liber Amicorum Judge Thomas A. Mensah (Nijhoff: 2007) pp. 1131-1151
  6. Bernard H. Oxman, ‘The Duty to Respect Generally Accepted International Standards’(1991) 24 N.Y.U.J. Int’l L. & Pol., pp. 109-159
  7. Budislav Vukas, ‘Generally Accepted International Rules and Standards’, in Alfred H.A. Soons (ed) Implementation of The Law of the Sea Convention Through International Institutions (The Law of the Sea Institute William S. Richardson School of Law University of Hawaii: 1990) pp. 405-421
  8. C.J. Antonakis, ‘Platform Removal – a Review of the Task’, (1986) Trans IMarE(TM) Vol. 99, Paper 9
  9. Daniel Vignes, ‘La valeur juridique de certaines règles, norms ou pratiques, entionnées au TNCO comme “généralement acceptées” (1979) Annuaire français de droit international, Volume 25, pp. 712-718
  10. David Anderson (ed.) Modern Law of the Sea: selected essays (Koninklijke Brill NV: 2008)
  11. David L. VanderZwaag and Anne Daniel, ‘International Law and Ocean Dumping: Steering a Precautionary Course Aboard the 1996 London Protocol, but Still an Unfinished Voyage’, in Aldo Chircop, Ted L. McDorman and Susan J. Rolston (eds) The Future of Ocean Regime-building: Essays in Tribute to Douglas M. Johnston, (Martinus Nijhoff: 2009)  pp. 515-550
  12. Dolly Jorgensen, ‘OSPAR’s exclusion of rigs-to-reefs in the North Sea’ (2012) Ocean & Coastal Management 58, pp. 57-61
  13. Eduardo Guedes Pereira, ‘Decommissioning’, in Eduardo Pereira (ed) Brazilian Upstream Oil and Gas (Globe Law and Business: 2012) Online:
  14. George C. Kasoulides, ‘Removal of offshore platforms and the development of international standards’ (1989) Marine Policy 13 pp. 249-265; as updated in Marine Policy 14 (1990) pp. 84-86
  15. Hossein Esmaeili, The Legal Regime of Offshore Oil Rigs in International Law (Ashgate: 2001) pp. 190-219
  16. Hugo Caminos, and Michael R. Molitor, ‘Progressive Development of International Law and the Package Deal’, (1985) The American Journal of International LawVol.79, No.4, pp. 871-890
  17. IMO, ‘Climate Change and the London Convention and Protocol’. Online:
  18. J. S. Gray, T. Bakke, H. J. Beck, and I. Nilssen. 1999. Managing the environmental effects of the Norwegian oil and gas industry: from conflict to consensus. Marine Pollution Bulletin 38:525-530
  19. J.Side, M. Baine, and K. Hayes, ‘Current controls for abandonment and disposal of offshore installations at sea’ (1993) Marine Policy Vol.17 Issue 5, pp. 354-362
  20. Jean-Dominique Wahiche ‘Artificial structures and traditional uses of the sea: The Field of Conflict’ (1983) 7 Marine Policy, pp. 37-52
  21. Jeffrey L. Canfield, ‘Soviet and Russian Nuclear Waste Dumping in the Arctic Marine Environment: Legal, Historical, and Political Implications’ (1993) 6 Geo. Int’l Entl. L. Rev. 353
  22. Julien Rochette, Matthieu Wemaere, Lucien Chabason, Sarah Callet ‘Seeing beyond the horizon for deepwater oil and gas: strengthening the international regulation of offshore exploration and exploitation’. (2014) IDDRI Study No.01/14, Biodiversity
  23. Louise de La Fayette, ‘The London Convention 1972: Preparing for the Future’ (1998) The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vol.13, No. 4
  24. Maria Gavouneli, Pollution from Offshore Installations (Graham & Trotman/ Martinus Nijhoff: 1995)
  25. Mark J. Valencia, ‘Petroleum and Minerals: Policy Issues’ p. 27-41, in T.E. Chua and D. Pauly (eds) Coastal area management in Southeast Asia: policies, management strategies and case studies (Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment, and Johor State Economic Planning Unit: 1989)
  26. Martyn David and Nigel Bremner, ‘Legal Aspects of the Removal of Offshore Installations’ (1983) 2 Oil and Gas Law Taxation Review
  27. Morakinyo Adedayo Ayoade, ‘Disused Offshore Installations and Pipleines: Towards “Sustainable Decommissioning”’, (Kluwer Law International: 2002)
  28. Peter H. Sand, Marine Environment Law in the United Nations Environment Programme (Cassell Tycooly: 1988) pp. 226-235
  29. Olav Schram Stokke, ‘Beyond Dumping? The Effectiveness of the London Convention’, in Olav Schram Stokke (ed) Yearbook of International Cooperation on Environment and Development (Earthscan Publications: 1988) pp. 39-50
  30. Paul McDade, ‘The Removal of Offshore Installations and Conflicting Treaty Obligations as a Result of the Emergence of the New Law of the Sea: A Case Study’, (1987) 24 San Diego Law Review 646
  31. Paul Peters, Alfred H.A. Soon, and Lucie A. Zima, ‘Removal of Installations in the Exclusive Economic Zone’ (1984) Netherlands Yearbook of International Law Vol.15, pp. 167-207
  32. Peter Cameron, ‘Tackling the Decommissioning Problem’ (1999) 14 Nat. Resources & Env’t. 121
  33. Peter Cameron, ‘Liability for catastrophic risk in the oil and gas industry’ (2012) International Enforcement Law Reporter, pp. 207-219
  34. Philomene Verlaan, ‘Current Legal Developments: London Convention and London Protocol’, (2011) The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 26, pp185-194
  35. Renate Platzoder (ed), Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea: Documents (Volume XI) (Oceana Publications Inc.: 1987), pp. 576-577
  36. René Coenen, ‘Dumping of Wastes at Sea: Adoption of the 1996 Protocol to the London Convention 1972’ (1997) Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law Vol.6 Issue 1
  37. Report of the Committee of the I.L.A. Netherlands Branch by Paul Peters, Alfred H.A. Soons, and Lucie A. Zima, ‘Removal of Installations in the Exclusive Economic Zone’ (1984) 61 Intl L. Ass’n Rep. Conf. 208
  38. Robert C. Beckman, ‘Global Regime on the Decommissioning of Offshore Installations and Structures’ in M. Nordquist, J.N. Moore, A. Chircop and R. Long (eds), The Regulation of Continental Shelf Development: Rethinking International Standards (Martinus Nijhoff: 2013) pp. 259-280
  39. Rosalyn Higgins QC, ‘Abandonment of Energy Sites and Structures: Relevant International Law’ (1993) 11 J. Energy & Nat. Resources L. 6
  40. S. Kolian, S. Porter and P. W. Sammarco, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Analysis of the Removal of Retired Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms, (EcoRigs Non-Profit Corporation: 2011). Online: Platform Removal Brief.pdf
  41. Stuart Kaye, ‘International measures to protect Oil Platforms, Pipelines, and Submarine Cables from Attack’ (2007) 31 Tul. Mar. L.J. 377 – The Enforcement of International maritime Rules and Standards
  42. Ton Ijlstra, ‘Laws of the Sea, Pollution from Offshore Installations: The Kuwait Protocol’ (1990) Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol.21 no. 1, pp. 8-10
  43. UNEP- Offshore Oil and Gas Environment Forum, ‘Introduction to Environmental Regulatory Frameworks for Offshore Oil and Gas Industry’. Online:
  44. W. van Reenen, ‘Rules of Reference in the new Convention on the Law of the Sea, in particular in connection with the pollution of the sea by oil from tankers’ (1981) Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, Vol.12, pp. 3-44
  45. W.D. Mapp, ‘The Marine Pollution Act 1974: Is It Obsolete Within Six Months of Its Enactment?’ (1975) 2 Auckland U.L. Rev. [xv] (1972-1975), pp. 23-54
  46. Youna Lyons, ‘Abandoned Offshore Installations in Southeast Asia and the Opportunity for Rigs-to Reefs’ (2013) Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore. Online:
  47. Youna Lyons, ‘The New Offshore Oil and Gas Installation Abandonment Wave and the International Rules on Removal and Dumping’, (2014)  International Journal of Coastal and Marine Law 29 (in press)
  48. Zhiguo Gao, ‘Current Issues of International law on Offshore Abandonment, with Special Reference to the United Kingdom’ (1997) Ocean Development & International Law, 28, pp. 59-78


  1. E. Salter, and J. Ford. 2000. Environmental pollution challenges and associated planning and management issues facing offshore oil and gas field development in the UK. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 43:253-276
  2. R. Bentham, ‘The North Sea: problems of decommissioning, Reports’, (1987) Marine Policy 11, p. 315
  3. Yann-Huei Song, ‘The Potential marine Pollution Threat From Oil and Gas Development Activities in the Disputed South China Sea/Spratly Area: A Role that Taiwan Can Play’ (2008) Ocean Development & International Law Vol.39, pp. 150-177
  4. Zou Keyuan, ‘Regulation of the Dumping of Wastes at Sea: The Chinese Practice’, in Aldo Chircop, Ted L. McDorman and Susan J. Rolston (eds) The Future of Ocean Regime-building: Essays in Tribute to Douglas M. Johnston, (Martinus Nijhoff: 2009) pp. 551-571


  1. Youna Lyons (CIL), ‘Rigs-to-Reef in Southeast Asia: Legal and Policy Issues’. Paper presented at the Prospects for Large Scale Artificial Reefs in Tropical Southeast Asian Seas: A Marine Science Engineering, Law and Policy Workshop, 12-13 November 2013, National University of Singapore.

II. Policy discussions on the desirability of rigs-to-reefs

  1. Cornelia Clay Fulghum, ‘Big Oil Over a Barrel: Retiring Rigs to Reefs’ (1988) Business and Society Review no. 67, pp. 22-24
  2. DeeVon Quirolo and Richard Charter, Bring Back the Gulf (Coastal Coordination program of The Ocean Foundation: 2014) Online:
  3. D. M. Schroeder, and M. S. Love. 2004. Ecological and political issues surrounding decommissioning of offshore oil facilities in the Southern California Bight. Ocean and Coastal Management 47:21-48
  4. G.S. Fraser, J. Ellis, L. Hussain, ‘An international comparison of governmental disclosure of hydrocarbon spills from offshore oil and gas installations’, (2008) Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol.56, pp. 9-13
  5. Lauretta Burke, Elizabeth Selig, and Mark Spalding, Reefs at Risk in Southeast Asia, (World Resources Institute: 2012)
  6. M. D. J. Sayer, and M. S. P. Baine. 2002. Rigs to reefs: a critical evaluation of the potential for reef development using decommissioned rigs. Journal of the Society for Underwater Technology 23:93-97
  7. M. H. Carr, M. V. McGinnis, G. E. Forrester, J. Harding, and P. T. Raimondi. 2003. Consequences of alternative decommissioning options to reef fish assemblages and implications for decommissioning policy. Page 104. Coastal Research Center, Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara
  8. Malaysian Structural Steel Association, ‘Decommissioning of Offshore Platform: A Sustainable Framework’. Online:
  9. Mark Baine, ‘Artificial reefs: a review of their design, application, management and performance’ (2001) Ocean & Coastal Management Vol.44, pp. 241-259
  10. M. J. Kaiser. 2006. The Louisiana artificial reef program. Marine Policy 30:605-623
  11. Mark J. Kaiser, and Allan G. Pulsipher, ‘Rigs-to-Reef Programs in the Gulf of Mexico’, (2005) Ocean Development & International Law Vol.36, pp. 119-134
  12. Mark J. Kaiser, and Richard A. Kasprzak, ‘The Impact of the 2005 hurricane season on the Louisiana Artificial Reef Program’ (2008) Marine Policy Vol.32, pp. 956-967
  13. N.G. Boyd, ‘Removal and abandonment of Offshore Platform Topsides including the Toppling Alternative and Costs’, (1987) Trans ImarE(TM) Vol.99, Paper 10
  14. N. Bell, and J. Smith. 1999. Coral growing on North Sea oil rigs. Nature 402:601
  15. Na Kai Lun, Noor Amila Wan Abdullah Zawawi, and Mohd Shahir Liew, ‘Concept Framework: Semi-PSS for Sustainable Decommissioning of Offshore Platform in Malaysia. Online:
  16. P. Ekins, R. Vanner, and J. Firebrace. 2006. Decommissioning of offshore oil and gas facilities: A comparative assessment of different scenarios. Journal of Environmental Management 79:420-438
  17. P. I. Macreadie, A. M. Fowler, and D. J. Booth (2012) Rigs-to-reefs policy: can science trump public sentiment? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10:179-180
  18. R. E. Salcido (2005) Enduring optimism: examining the rig-to-reef bargain. Ecology Law Quarterly 32: 863-938. Online:
  19. S. Buffington. 2001. Managing the challenges of decommissioning with technology, research and regulations. Pages 123-128. The 11th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, Stavanger, Norway
  20. Victoria Todd, ‘Rigs as reefs in the North Sea’ (2011) International Journal of Ocean Systems
  21. Victoria Todd, ‘Rigs – to decommission or not to decommission?’ (2013) Marine Scientist No. 43, pp. 22-25

III.Scientific discussions on pros and cons of R2R: (i) attraction v. production, (ii) residual pollution on retired offshore sites, (iii) benefits to fisheries, (iv) other ecological impact, (v) invasive species, and (vi) other applicable scientific data

  1. A. D. Atchison, P. W. Sammarco, and D. A. Brazeau (2008) Genetic connectivity in corals on the Flower Garden Banks and surrounding oil/gas platforms, Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 365:1-12
  2. Andy Coghlan, ‘Oil rigs may be fit for porpoise’, (2009) New Scientist 201, pp. 8-9
  3. A. Scarborough Bull, and J. J. Kendall, Jr. 1994. An indication of the process: offshore platforms as artificial reefs in the Gulf of Mexico. Bulletin of Marine Science 55:1086-1098
  4. Alan T. White, Loke Ming Chou, M.W.R.N. De Silva, Flordeliz Y. Guarin, Artificial Reefs for Marine Habitat Enhancement in Southeast Asia (International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management: 1990)
  5. A. Wolfson, G. Van Blaricom, N. Davis, and G. S. Lewbel. 1979. The marine life of an offshore oil platform. Marine Ecology Progress Series 1:81-89
  6. B. Emery, L. Washburn, M. S. Love, M. M. Nishimoto, and J. C. Ohlmann. 2006. Do oil and gas platforms off California reduce recruitment of bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) to natural habitat? An analysis based on trajectories derived from high-frequency radar Fishery Bulletin 104:391-400
  7. B. J. Gallaway. 1981. An ecosystem analysis of oil and gas development on the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf. Page 89. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC
  8. B. J. Gallaway, and G. S. Lewbel. 1982. The ecology of petroleum platforms in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico: a community profile. Page 92. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services, Washington, DC
  9. B. J. Gallaway, S. T. Szedlmayer, and W. J. Gazey. 2009. A life history review for red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico with an evaluation of the importance of offshore petroleum platforms and other artificial reefs. Reviews in Fisheries Science 17:48-67
  10. C. B. Martin, and C. G. Lowe. 2010. Assemblage structure of fish at offshore petroleum platforms on the San Pedro Shelf of Southern California. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 2:180-194
  11. C. J. Sindermann, R. Lloyd, S. L. Vader, and W. R. P. Bourne. 1982. Implications of oil pollution in production of disease in marine organisms [and discussion]. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 297:385-399
  12. C. A. Wilson, A. Pierce, and M. W. Miller. 2003. Rigs and reefs: a comparison of the fish communities at two artificial reefs, a production platform, and a natural reef in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Page 95. U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, New Orleans
  13. D. A. Holdway. 2002. The acute and chronic effects of wastes associated with offshore oil and gas production on temperate and tropical marine ecological processes. Marine Pollution Bulletin 44:185-203
  14. D. O. Cummings, D. J. Booth, R. W. Lee, S. J. Simpson, and A. J. Pile. 2010. Ontogenetic diet shifts in the reef fish Pseudanthias rubrizonatus from isolated populations on the North-West Shelf of Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series 419:211-222
  15. David A. Feary, John A. Burt, and Aaron Bartholomew, ‘Artificial marine habitats in the Arabian Gulf: Review of current use, benefits and management implications’ (2011) Ocean and Coastal Management, doi:10.1016/j.oceocoaman.2011.07.008
  16. D. R. Stanley, and C. A. Wilson. 1990. A fishery-dependent based study of fish species composition and associated catch rates around oil and gas structures off Louisiana. Fishery Bulletin 88:719-730
  17. D. R. Stanley, and C. A. Wilson. 1991. Factors affecting the abundance of selected fishes near oil and gas platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Fishery Bulletin 89:149-159
  18. D. R. Stanley. 1994. Seasonal and spatial abundance and size distribution of fishes associated with a petroleum platform in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
  19. D. R. Stanley, and C. A. Wilson. 1997. Seasonal and spatial variation in the abundance and size distribution of fishes associated with a petroleum platform in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:1166-1176
  20. D. R. Stanley, and C. A. Wilson. 2000. Variation in the density and species composition of fishes associated with three petroleum platforms using dual beam hydroacoustics. Fisheries Research 47:161-172
  21. E. Breuer, A. G. Stevenson, J. A. Howe, J. Carroll, and G. B. Shimmield. 2004. Drill cutting accumulations in the Northern and Central North Sea: a review of environmental interactions and chemical fate. Marine Pollution Bulletin 48:12-25
  22. E. A. Wilson-Ormond, M. S. Ellis, E. N. Powell, Y. Kim, and S. Li. 2000. Effects of gas-producing platforms on continental shelf megafauna in the Northwest Gulf of Mexico: reproductive status and health. International Review of Hydrobiology 85:293-323
  23. F. Olsgard, and J. S. Gray. 1995. A comprehensive analysis of the effects of offshore oil and gas exploration and production on the benthic communities of the Norwegian continental shelf. Marine Ecology Progress Series 122:277-306
  24. G. B. Picken, and A. D. McIntyre. 1989. Rigs to reefs in the North Sea. Bulletin of Marine Science 44:782-788
  25. G. Fabi, F. Grati, M. Puletti, and G. Scarcella. 2004. Effects on fish community induced by installation of two gas platforms in the Adriatic Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 273:187-197
  26. G. N. R. Forteath, G. B. Picken, R. Ralph, and J. Williams. 1982. Marine growth studies on the North Sea oil platform Montrose Alpha. Marine Ecology Progress Series 8:61-68
  27. G. S. Lewbel, R. L. Howard, and B. J. Gallaway. 1987. Zonation of dominant fouling organisms on northern Gulf of Mexico petroleum platforms. Marine Environmental Research 21:199-224
  28. H. J. Somerville, D. Bennett, J. N. Davenport, M. S. Holt, A. Lynes, A. Mahieu, B. McCourt, J. G. Parker, R. R. Stephenson, R. J. Watkinson, and T. G. Wilkinson. 1987. Environmental effect of produced formation water from the North Sea oil operations. Marine Pollution Bulletin 18:549-558
  29. H. M. Page, J. E. Dugan, D. S. Dugan, J. B. Richards, and D. M. Hubbard. 1999. Effects of an offshore oil platform on the distribution and abundance of commercially important crab species. Marine Ecology Progress Series 185:47-57
  30. H. M. Page, J. E. Dugan, C. S. Culver, and J. C. Hoesterey. 2006. Exotic invertebrate species on offshore oil platforms. Marine Ecology Progress Series 325:101-107
  31. H. M. Page, J. E. Dugan, D. M. Schroeder, M. M. Nishimoto, M. S. love, and J. C. Hoesterey. 2007. Trophic links and condition of a temperate reef fish: comparisons among offshore oil platform and natural reef habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series 344:245-256
  32. H. M. Page, C. S. Culver, J. E. Dugan, and B. Mardian. 2008. Oceanographic gradients and patterns in invertebrate assemblages on offshore oil platforms. ICES Journal of Marine Science 65:851-861
  33. Harold Levrel, Sylvain Pioch, Richard Spieler, ‘Compensatory mitigation in marine ecosystems: Which indicators for assessing the “no net loss” goal of ecosystem services and ecological functions?’ (2012) Marine Policy Vol.36, pp. 1202-1210
  34. Hock Lye Koh and Su Yean The, ‘Simulation of Drill Cuttings Dispersion and Deposition in South China Sea’, Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2011 Vol.II, IMECS 2011, 16-18 March 2011, Hong Kong
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  38. J. B. Bram, H. M. Page, and J. E. Dugan (2005) Spatial and temporal variability in early successional patterns of an invertebrate assemblage at an offshore oil platform. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 317:223-237
  39. J. H. Cowan, Jr., W. Ingram, J. McCawley, B. Sauls, A. J. Strelcheck, and M. Woods. 1999. The attraction vs. production debate: Does it really matter from the management perspective? A response to commentary by R. L. Shipp. . Gulf of Mexico Science 17:137-138
  40. J. H. R. Goddard, and M. S. Love. 2010. Megabenthic invertebrates on shell mounds associated with oil and gas platforms off California. Bulletin of Marine Science 86:533-554
  41. J. M. Davies, J. M. Addy, J. R. Blackman, J. R. Blanchards, J. E. Ferbrache, D. C. Moore, H. J. Somerville, A. Whitehead, and T. Wilkinson. 1984. Environmental effects of the use of oil-based drilling muds in the North Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 15:363-370
  42. J. R. Rooker, Q. R. Dokken, C. V. Pattengill, and G. J. Holt. 1997. Fish assemblages on artificial and natural reefs in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, USA. Coral Reefs 16:83-92
  43. L. Balk, K. Hylland, T. Hansson, M. H. G. Berntssen, J. Beyer, G. Jonsson, A. Melbye, M. Grung, B. E. Torstensen, J. F. Børseth, H. Skarphedinsdottir, and J. Klungsøyr. 2011. Biomarkers in natural fish populations indicate adverse biological effects of offshore oil production. Plos One 6:1-10
  44. M. B. Peabody, and C. A. Wilson. 2006. Fidelity of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) to petroleum platforms and artificial reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Page 64. U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, New Orleans
  45. M. H. Carr, and M. A. Hixon. 1997. Artificial reefs: the importance of comparisons with natural reefs. Fisheries 22:28-33
  46. M. Helvey. 2002. Are southern California oil and gas platforms essential fish habitat? ICES Journal of Marine Science 59:S266-S271
  47. M. Rowe, ‘Rigs to reefs could help British wildlife’, (2009) BBC Wildlife Magazine 27, p. 40
  48. M. S. Love, and W. Westphal (1990) Comparison of fishes taken by a sportfishing party vessel around oil platforms and adjacent natural reefs near Santa Barbara, California. Fishery Bulletin 88:599-605
  49. M. S. Love, J. E. Caselle, and L. Snook. 1999) Fish assemblages on mussel mounds surrounding seven oil platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel and Santa Maria Basin. Bulletin of Marine Science 65:497-513
  50. M. S. Love, J. E. Caselle, and L. Snook (2000) Fish assemblages around seven oil platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel area. Fishery Bulletin 98:96-117
  51. M. S. Love, D. M. Schroeder, and W. Lenarz (2005) Distribution of bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) and cowcod (Sebastes levis) around oil platforms and natural outcrops off California with implications for larval production. Bulletin of Marine Science 77:397-408
  52. M. S. Love, and A. York (2005) A comparison of the fish assemblages associated with an oil/gas pipeline and adjacent seafloor in the Santa Barabra Channel, southern California Bight. Bulletin of Marine Science 77:101-117
  53. M. S. Love, D. M. Schroeder, W. Lenarz, A. MacCall, A. S. Bull, and L. Thorsteinson. 2006. Potential use of offshore marine structures in rebuilding an overfished rockfish species, bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis). Fishery Bulletin 104:383-390
  54. M. S. Love, E. Brothers, D. M. Schroeder, and W. H. Lenarz. 2007. Ecological performance of young-of-the-year blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) associated with oil platforms and natural reefs in California as measured by daily growth rates. Bulletin of marine Science 80:147-157
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  56. M. Stachowitsch, R. Kikinger, J. Herler, P. Zolda, and E. Geutebrück. 2002. Offshore oil platforms and fouling communities in the southern Arabian Gulf (Abu Dhabi). Marine Pollution Bulletin 44:853-860
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  58. P. W. Sammarco, A. D. Atchison, and G. S. Boland. 2004. Expansion of coral communities within the Northern Gulf of Mexico via offshore oil and gas platforms. Marine Ecology Progress Series 280:129-143
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  61. R. Daan, and M. Mulder. 1996. On the short-term and long-term impact of drilling activities in the Dutch sector of the North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 53:1036-1044
  62. R. E. Speiler, D. S. Gilliam, and R. L. Sherman. 2001. Artificial substrate and coral reef restoration: what do we need to know to know what we need. Bulletin of Marine Science 69:1013-1030
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  64. Richard B. Stone, ‘Artificial Reefs of Waste Material for Habitat Improvement’ (1972)  Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol.3 Issue 2, pp. 27-28
  65. R. M. Wanless, S. Scott, W. H. H. Sauer, T. G. Andrews, J. P. Glass, B. Godfrey, C. Griffiths, and E. Yeld. 2010. Semi-submersible rigs: a vector transporting entire marine communities around the world. Biological Invasions 12:2573-2583
  66. S. B. Henderson, S. J. W. Grigson, P. Johnson, and B. D. Roddie. 1999. Potential impact of production chemicals on the toxicity of produced water discharges from the North Sea oil platforms. Marine Pollution Bulletin 38:1141-1151
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  68. S. J. Cripps, and J. P. Aabel. 2002. Environmental and socio-economic impact assessment of Ekoreef, a multiple platform rigs-to-reefs development. ICES Journal of Marine Science 59:S300-S308
  69. S. Løkkeborg, O. Humborstad, T. Jørgensen, and A. V. Soldal. 2002. Spatio-temporal variations in gillnet catch rates in the vicinity of North Sea oil platforms. ICES Journal of Marine Science 59:S294-S299
  70. S. Perkol-Finkel, G. Zilman, I. Sella, T. Miloh, and Y. Benayahu, ‘Floating and fixed artificial habitats: Spatial and temporal patterns of benthic communities in a coral reef environment’, (2008)  Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science Vol. 77 Issue 3, pp. 491-500
  71. S. Perkol-Finkel, N. Shashar, and Y. Benayahu. 2006. Can artificial reefs mimic natural reef communities? The roles of structural features and age. Marine Environmental Research 61:121-135
  72. S. Shahbudin, Z. Hafifi hafiz, Akbar John, B.Y. Kamaruzzaman, and K.C.A. Jalal, ‘Distribution and Diversity of Corals on Artificial Reefs at Pasir Akar and Teluk Kalong, Redang Island, Malaysia’ (2011) Journal of Applied Sciences Vol. 11 Issue 2, pp. 379-383
  73. Stephen A. Bortone, ‘Resolving the Attraction-Production Dilemma in Artificial Reef Research: Some Yeas and Nays’ (2011) Fisheries Oceanography Vol. 23 Issue 3, pp. 6-10
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  76. T. A. Villareal, S. Hanson, S. Qualia, E. L. E. Jester, H. R. Granade, and R. W. Dickey. 2007. Petroleum production platforms as sites for the expansion of ciguatera in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Harmful Algae 6:253-259
  77. W.Seaman and W.J. Lindberg, ‘Artificial Reefs’ in John H. Steele, Steve A. Thorpe, Porter Hoagland, Karl K. Turekian (eds) (2010) Marine Policy & Economics: A Derivative of the Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, Academic Press: London, pp. 128-138
  78. Peter I. Macreadie, Ashley M. Fowler, and David J. Booth, ‘Rigs-to-reefs: will the deep sea benefit from artificial habitat?’ (2011) Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Vol. 9 Issue 8, pp. 455-461, doi:10.1890/100112
  79. V.L.G. Turner, ‘Summary of the threats to small and large cetaceans in the Mediterranean and Black Sea’, (1994) Report to United Nations Environment Programme, Conservation of Migratory Species (UNEP/CMS) Internal Report
  80. Victoria Todd, ‘Porpoises and rigs: an unforeseen dependency?’ (2009) Mammal News 155, pp. 10-11
  81. Victoria L.G. Todd, Paul A. Lepper, and Ian B. Todd, ‘Do porpoises target offshore installations as feeding stations?’ in Improving Environmental Performance: A Challenge for the Oil Industry. Proceedings of the International Association of Drilling Contractors, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 3-4th 2007.
  82. Victoria L.G. Todd, William D. Pearse, Nick C. Tregenza, Paul A. Lepper, and Ian B. Todd, ‘Diel echolocation activity of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) around North Sea offshore gas installations’(2009) ICES J. Mar. Sci.Vol. 66, No. 4, pp. 734-745 doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsp035
  83. W. Seaman, Jr., W. J. Lindberg, C. R. Gilbert, and T. K. Frazer. 1989. Fish habitat provided by obsolete petroleum platforms off southern Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science 44:1014-1022

IV. Other resources: Weblinks to rigs-to-reefs research by research institutions and others

  1. Decommissioning Ecology Group of the University of Technology of Sydney:
  2. From disused oil rigs to living reefs: in pictures:
  3. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, ‘Artificial Reefs’. (
  4. A facebook page on rigs-to-reefs in the Gulf of Mexico: Bring back the Gulf. (
  5. A linked-In group on rigs-to-reefs: The re-use of offshore assets as artificial reefs (
  6. A website showing pictures of rigs-to-reefs. (
  7. Dolly Jorgensen’s webpage on rigs to reefs. (
  8. Youtube channel ‘Rigs2Reefs and the North Sea’