Ocean Law and Policy

31 May 2012

Research Fellow Dr Lin Lin and Research Associates Ranyta Yusran and Sanjay Pala Krishnan participated in the 9th Asian Law Institute (ASLI) Conference held at the NUS Bukit Timah Campus from 31 May to 1 June 2012. In the first panel on Corporate Law & Governance, Dr Lin Lin presented on “The Evolution of Partnerships …

31 May 2012 Read More »

21 May 2012

CIL Director Robert Beckman and CIL Researchers Tara Davenport and Leo Bernard participated at the 7th Annual International Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute (LOSI) on “Securing the Ocean for the Next Generation” on 21 May 2012 – 24 May 2012, Seoul, Korea. The LOSI Conference was jointly organized by LOSI at the …

21 May 2012 Read More »

29 April 2012

CIL Director Robert Beckman took part in the first edition of Channel NewsAsia’s Perspectives programme at 8.00 PM on 29 April 2012. Perspectives presents a panel of distinguished thinkers from Singapore’s top institutions and think tanks who are expected to gather every month to dissect current events with in-depth analyses. Hosted by Debra Soon, the …

29 April 2012 Read More »

20 April 2012

CIL Director Robert Beckman presented a paper on 20 April 2012 at the Plenary Meeting of the Trilateral Commission in Tokyo, Japan. His paper was on “Geopolitics, International Law and the South China Sea”. For a copy of the paper, click here.

[Fireside Chat Series 2016] Arbitration between the Philippines and China: Award on Jurisdiction

15 January 2016 | Fireside Chat Series Arbitration between the Philippines and China: Award on Jurisdiction Introduction On 22 January 2013, the Philippines initiated compulsory arbitration against China under Annex VII of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea with respect to its disputes with China over maritime jurisdiction, status of …

[Fireside Chat Series 2016] Arbitration between the Philippines and China: Award on Jurisdiction Read More »

Taiwan’s position on the South China Sea: Daylight between Taiwan and China?

24 February 2016 | CIL Seminar Series Taiwan’s position on the South China Sea: Daylight between Taiwan and China? Introduction Taiwan’s claims in the South China Sea are often regarded as virtually indistinguishable from China’s. On paper, Taiwan and China appear to be making substantially the same claims and the controversial dashed line may be …

Taiwan’s position on the South China Sea: Daylight between Taiwan and China? Read More »

Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Preparing for the PrepCom

Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Preparing for the PrepCom   In light of the recent United Nations General Assembly mandate to develop an internationally legally binding instrument under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to deal with the conservation and sustainable use …

Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Preparing for the PrepCom Read More »

International Conference on Marine Environmental Protection in Asia

International Conference on Marine Environmental Protection in Asia   Past Event International Conference on Marine Environmental Protection in Asia: Regional Implementation of IMO Conventions Singapore, 30-31 August 2016 By invitation only The Centre for International Law (CIL), the Law of the Sea Institute, Berkeley (LOSI) and the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) …

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Maritime Governance Lessons from the Barents Sea for the Pacific Arctic

22 August 2016 | Seminar Series Maritime Governance Lessons from the Barents Sea for the Pacific Arctic     Synopsis The Centre for International Law (CIL) and the Energy Studies Institute (ESI) co-hosted a seminar on ‘Maritime Governance Lessons from the Barents Sea for the Pacific Arctic’ given by Professor Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen from University …

Maritime Governance Lessons from the Barents Sea for the Pacific Arctic Read More »