Researchers' Activities


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ASEAN Law and Policy
29 July 2013

Professor Joseph Weiler, Director of the CIL ASEAN Integration Through Law Project (NUS Law School and University Professor at the NYU School of Law) convened and chaired the discussions on ASEAN External Agreements, ASEAN as a Negotiator in International Fora, ASEAN Instruments of Governance and Models of Supranational Legal Integration, ASEAN Dispute Settlement and the ASEAN Legal Service at Plenary 2 of the ASEAN Integration Through Law Project: ASEAN Governance, Management and External Relations at the Hotel Aryaduta, Jakarta, Indonesia. CIL senior experts, CIL Director Professor Robert Beckman and Professor Walter Woon, shared their work on the ASEAN dispute settlement mechanisms and ASEAN Legal Service. This Plenary was hosted jointly with the Universitas Pelita Harapan. For more information, please click here.

ASEAN Law and Policy
4 July 2013

Professor Joseph Weiler, Director of the CIL ASEAN Integration Through Law Project (NUS Law School and University Professor at the NYU School of Law) convened and chaired the discussions on the Legal Service, Secretariat and Civil Service in ASEAN, ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Regional Integration at Plenary 1 of the ASEAN Integration Through Law Project: General Architecture of ASEAN at the Mandarin Orchard Hotel, Singapore. For more information, please click here.

ASEAN Law and Policy
9 June 2013

CIL Senior Research Fellow Dr Tan Hsien-Li was invited to share her expertise at the Regional Track Two Meeting “ASEAN Human Rights Mechanisms: Challenges and Ways Forward” and engage with officials from the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR), ASEAN Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC) and ASEAN Committee on the Implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on the Promotion and Protection of Migrant Workers (ACMW). This meeting was hosted by the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism and was held in Bangkok, Thailand.

ASEAN Law and Policy
23 May 2013

CIL Research Fellow Dr Hao Duy Phan and CIL Research Associate Junianto James Losari participated at the 10th Annual Asian Law Institute Conference – “Celebrating Diversity: 10 Years of ASLI” on 23-24 May 2013 in Bangalore, India. The Conference was jointly organized by the Asian Law Institute and the National Law School of India University. Dr Hao Duy Phan opened the first panel on International and Transnational Regulation by discussing the Protocol to the ASEAN Charter on Dispute Settlement Mechanisms and its significance in further institutionalizing ASEAN into a rules-based regional organization. Junianto James Losari presented a paper by Dr. Lin Lin and Prof. Michael Ewing-Chow on “The Doing Business Indicators in Singapore: Only that Which is Measured is Measured” at the Panel on Business Law which discussed about the significance of the Doing Business Project of the World Bank in influencing the Company Law reforms in Singapore. To download Dr Hao Duy Phan’s PowerPoint Presentation, click here. To download Junianto James Losari’s PowerPoint Presentation in PDF format, click here.

ASEAN Law and Policy
10 April 2013

In April 2013, the Human Rights Resource Centre (HRRC), an Indonesian-based research institution, published two baseline studies to which CIL Research Fellow and Associate contributed as Country Rapporteurs. Dr. Hao Duy PHAN is the Country Rapporteur for Viet Nam in HRRC’s Baseline Study on “Business and Human Rights in ASEAN”; the Baseline Study was recently launched in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 9 April 2013. Ms. Ranyta YUSRAN contributed to HRRC’s Baseline Study on “Violence, Exploitation, and Abuse and Discrimination in Migration Affecting Women and Children in ASEAN” as the Country Rapporteur for Indonesia; due to the wide scope of the Study, the Baseline Study is only published a year after its launch on 30 May 2012. CIL Fellows and Research Associate have been involved constantly as Country Rapporteurs in HRRC’s Baseline Study series since 2011. For more information and to download both above-mentioned Baseline Studies, click here.

ASEAN Law and Policy
9 April 2013

CIL Research Fellow Hao Duy Phan was a presenter at the Conference on Business and Human Rights in ASEAN in Jakarta, Indonesia on April 9, 2013. The Conference was a major event organized by the Human Rights Resource Centre for ASEAN to launch a baseline study that examines the legal framework of ASEAN member states in response to business and human rights issues. The outcome of the study is a book published and distributed on the occasion of the Conference. Dr. Phan participated as a rapporteur of the Vietnam Country Report chapter. At the Conference, he delivered a presentation entitled “Business and Human Rights: Vietnam’s Legal Framework”. To download the presentation in PDF format, click here.

ASEAN Law and Policy
5 April 2013

CIL sponsored a Panel at the 107th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law (ASIL) in Washington DC on 5 April 2013, titled Challenges for ASEAN: The South China Sea, Investment Protection and Myanmar”. Prof Michael Ewing-Chow opened the Panel with discussion on ASEAN legalization, institutionalization and economic law issues facing ASEAN, followed by Ambassador Arif Havas Oegroseno who talked about ASEAN and the South China Sea disputes. CIL’s Research Fellow Tara Davenport then talked about the approach of ASEAN Member States in negotiating and settling maritime boundaries (download her presentation in PDF format). Finally, CIL’s Senior Research Fellow Dr Tan Hsien-Li closed the Panel with a discussion of ASEAN’s approach to the human rights situation in Myanmar. The Panel was chaired by Edmund Sim of Appleton & Luff, and co-sponsored by the ASIL Law in Pacific Rim Interest Group and the ASIL International Economic Law Interest Group.

ASEAN Law and Policy
5 April 2013

CIL Senior Research Fellow Dr Tan Hsien-Li presented her paper on ‘From “pariah state” to “civilised nation”? A gradual relinquishing of Westphalian sovereignty in Myanmar’ at the American Society of International Law Meeting 2013, Washington DC. She was part of the CIL-sponsored panel entitled, “Challenges for ASEAN: The South China Sea, Investment Protection and Myanmar” at which Professor Michael Ewing-Chow, Ambassador Arif Havas, Mr Edmund Sim and Ms Tara Davenport also presented. For more information, click here.

ASEAN Law and Policy
8 March 2013

A/P Michael Ewing-Chow, Head of CIL’s Trade and Investment Law and Policy Programme and WTO Chair, NUS was invited to teach at the University of Barcelona’s IELPO LLM Programme. He taught “Asian Regionalism” and suggested that the production network, the ASEAN hub and legalization were essential elements of the development of Asian Regionalism.

ASEAN Law and Policy
28 November 2012

CIL Senior Research Fellow Dr Tan Hsien-Li presented her paper on “Legal Integration in the ASEAN Community” at the Congreso Internacional Sobre Globalizacion Juridica, Derecho Supranacional E Integracion Americana (International Conference on Globalization, Supranational Law and Legal Integration of the Americas) at the Escuela Libre de Derecho in Mexico City, Mexico.