Researchers' Activities


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Nuclear Law and Policy
27 February 2017

CIL Senior Research Fellows Ms Denise Cheong and Mr Anthony Wetherall, as well as ESI Research Associates Mr Nur Azha Putra and Ms Ira Martina Drupady, participated in the 6th meeting of the Nuclear Energy Experts Group held from 27 to 28 February 2017 in Singapore. This meeting was organised by the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) together with the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. Mr Wetherall presented a discussion paper on the potential future deployment to emerging countries of small modular reactors (SMRs), including transportable nuclear power plants (TNPPs). In this context, he proposed the development of a ‘package approach’ to the establishment and implementation of national nuclear legislative and regulatory frameworks. The researchers participated in a number of discussions, including on the prospects of nuclear power growth in the Asia Pacific region and the options for strengthening nuclear governance. Mr Wetherall’s discussion paper can be downloaded here.

Nuclear Law and Policy
24 January 2017

CIL Senior Research Fellow Mr Anthony Wetherall participated in the Legal Frameworks Workshop ‘Vigilant Marmot’ organised by the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT) together with the governments of the USA, the Slovak Republic and Canada, and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Held in Bratislava, Slovakia, from 24 to 26 January 2017, the event was attended by over 100 participants from GICNT partner nations and representatives of organisations, including the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), UNODC, the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI). The workshop was organized into a series of seminars, panel discussions and scenario-based dialogues to address challenges in adopting or updating national legal frameworks for nuclear security, highlight obligations under international legal instruments against radiological-nuclear terrorism, and consider practical models for implementing these obligations. The event focused on the criminalisation penalties in the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM), the 2005 Amendment thereto and the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT). Mr Wetherall participated in the panel discussion on the definitions in the aforementioned instruments. He also served as a roaming expert for five workshop sessions.

Nuclear Law and Policy
24 December 2016

CIL Senior Research Fellow Mr Anthony Wetherall participated in the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) week-long International Conference on Nuclear Security: Commitments and Actions. Mr Wetherall acted as co-Chair for the Technical Session entitled ‘Perspectives on Implementing Obligations under International Instruments for Nuclear Security’. He also served as the Panel Facilitator for two related panel discussions: ‘The challenges of implementing international commitments, nationally’ and ‘The role of regional organisations and bilateral programmes in supporting national implementation of international obligations’. The Ministerial Conference was attended by over 2000 participants from 139 IAEA Member States and 29 organizations. 47 IAEA Member States were represented at ministerial level. The Ministerial Conference was held from 5-9 December 2016 at IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria. A ministerial segment, lasting a day and a half, adopted a Ministerial Declaration by consensus. A President’s Report will be published on the conference site.

Nuclear Law and Policy
7 November 2016

CIL Senior Research Fellow Mr Anthony Wetherall participated in the 22nd Biennial Congress of the International Nuclear Law Association (INLA). Mr Wetherall presented on the ‘Future Deployment of Transportable Nuclear Power Plants: Legal and Regulatory Issues and Challenges’, as jointly prepared by Mr Wetherall and Research Fellow Ms Denise Cheong based on ongoing research as part of the ESI-CIL Nuclear Governance Project. The Congress is a leading international conference on legal issues relating to peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The conference was held from 7 to 11 November 2016 and hosted by the Nuclear Law Association in New Delhi, India. To download Mr Wetherall’s presentation, click here.

Nuclear Law and Policy
24 October 2016

Assoc. Professor Robert Beckman, Head of CIL’s Ocean Law and Policy Programme; Mr Anthony Wetherall, Senior Research Fellow; and Ms S Nivedita, Research Associate, participated in the KIOST International Seminar on Ocean Sciences Diplomacy (ISOSD): A Novel Approach to Establishing a Cooperative Regime in the Asian Waters through Ocean Sciences to Promote Regional Peace held in Ansan, Republic of Korea, on 24-27 October 2016. The seminar was organised by Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST). Assoc. Prof Beckman presented on the ‘Global Legal Regime Governing Pollution of the Marine Environment from Offshore Installations and Structures’ while Mr Wetherall presented on the ‘Future Deployment of Transportable Nuclear Power Plants: Legal and Regulatory Issues and Challenges’, as jointly prepared by Mr Wetherall and Research Fellow Ms Denise Cheong, based on on-going research as part of the ESI-CIL Nuclear Governance Project. Ms S Nivedita took the role of discussant during the panel discussion on coastal nuclear power plants. To download Assoc Prof Beckman’s presentation, click here. To download Mr Wetherall’s presentation, click here. [View photo]

Nuclear Law and Policy
22 August 2016

CIL Research Fellow, Ms. Denise Cheong; ESI Research Fellow, Dr Monique Taylor; and CIL Research Associate, Ms. S Nivedita who are part of the ESI-CIL Nuclear Governance Project’s multidisciplinary team attended this year’s International School of Nuclear Law (ISNL). ISNL, in continuing its unique contribution to the field of nuclear law, held its 2016 summer session from 22 August to 2 September 2016 in Montpellier, France. ISNL was established in 2001 by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) in partnership with the University of Montpellier to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the various inter-related legal issues relating to the safe, efficient and secure use of nuclear energy. ISNL’s faculty comprises renowned specialists in nuclear law from international organisations, governments, and industry and ISNL participants have the option of applying for a University Diploma (Diplôme d’université – D.U.) in International Nuclear Law from the University of Montpellier. [View photo]

Nuclear Law and Policy
15 October 2015

CIL Research Fellow Denise Cheong participated in the Nuclear Energy Experts Group (NEEG) organised by the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) and held in Singapore on 15-16 October 2015.

Nuclear Law and Policy
19 October 2023: CIL Nuclear Law & Policy Team Participates in a Closed-Door Workshop with CKLS at Columbia Law School

The workshop focused on nuclear and ocean governance issues and was held virtually on 19 October 2023.