Researchers' Activities


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Danielle Yeow appointed as a WTO panelist in WTO DS 604

To examine, in the light of the relevant provisions of the covered agreements cited by the parties to the dispute, the matter referred to the DSB by the European Union in document WT/DS604/2 and to make such findings as will assist the DSB in making the recommendations or in giving the rulings provided for in those agreements.

Research Fellow Charalampos Giannakopoulos at 2nd TRICI-Law Conference on “Interpretation of CIL: Methods, Interpretative Choices and the Role of Coherence”

On 2–3 December 2021, Research Fellow Charalampos Giannakopoulos participated in the 2nd TRICI-Law Conference on “Interpretation of CIL: Methods, Interpretative Choices and the Role of Coherence”, which was co-organised with the PluriCourts Centre and the University of Groningen’s Department of Transboundary Legal Studies.

7–8 November 2019: Associate Director Sharon Seah Speaks at International Workshop on Partnership to Strengthen Transparency and Co-Innovation (PaSTI) in Manila  

Associate Director Sharon Seah gave a presentation on the role of the academic sector in climate governance at the International Workshop on Partnership to Strengthen Transparency and Co-Innovation (PaSTI), which was held on 7–8 November in Manila, Philippines. The academic sector possesses institutional capacities, intellectual resources and ability to conduct cutting-edge research. These are strengths that governments and other private sectors can leverage on to increase climate transparency and promote greater climate ambition.

The workshop was organised by the Ministry of Environment, Japan in collaboration with the World Resources Institute. The workshop’s aims are to share knowledge and build networks among ASEAN participants, international institutions, experts and the private sector to develop critical tools for Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) development in the region. 

2–6 September 2019: CIL Staff Participate in Asia-Pacific Climate Week in Bangkok

Associate Director Sharon Seah and Research Associate Amiel Ian Valdez participated in the Asia-Pacific Climate Week (APCW) from 2nd to 6th September in Bangkok. The APCW was organised by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in partnership with global and regional organisations. The meeting’s goals are to discuss recommendations to boost regional climate action in the lead-up to the United Nations Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit scheduled for 23 September 2019, and to give impetus to the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP) 25 negotiations in Santiago, Chile, in December 2019.

At the APCW, regional stakeholders discussed climate emergency, key vulnerabilities and challenges, and increasing ambition in achieving the Paris Agreement’s goal. They also shared best practices on implementing national climate plans. CIL staff participated in small group workshops and discussions on climate resilience and adaptation, nature-based solutions, transparency arrangements, climate finance, and local actions.

ASEAN Law and Policy
29 November–1 December 2018: CIL Research Assistant JR Robert Real Attends ALSA 2018 Conference

CIL Research Assistant JR Robert Real presented his paper entitled ‘Public Welfare and Human Dignity in the Philippines’ at the ALSA 2018 Conference: Law in the Asian Century. Held from 29 November to 1 December 2018 in Gold Coast, Australia, the conference was organised by the Asian Law and Society Association, the Australian Network for Japanese Law (ANJeL), the Asia Pacific Legal Institute of Australia (APLIA), and Bond University. His paper discusses how the Philippine Supreme Court has been using the concept of human dignity to both justify and limit the exercise of the state’s regulatory power, as well as a tool to discover new rights that advance human dignity.

ASEAN Law and Policy
2–3 July 2018: Research Assistant JR Robert Real Presents Paper at Human Dignity in Asia Conference in Taipei

Research Assistant JR Robert Real presented his paper ‘For the Common Good—The Philippine Supreme Court’s Divergent Approach to Human Dignity’ at the Human Dignity in Asia: Dialogue between Law and Culture Conference. Held from 2 to 3 July 2018 in Taipei, the conference was organised by the Academia Sinica Institutum Iurisprudentiae.

Mr Real’s paper explores the Philippine Supreme Court’s approach to interpreting the concept of human dignity, which seems to vary depending on whether parties invoke individual rights or collective rights.

21–22 June 2018: CIL Successfully Holds TRILA Conference

CIL successfully organised its inaugural Teaching and Researching International Law in Asia (TRILA) conference on 21–22 June 2018 at the NUS Faculty of Law. Bringing together 144 participants from 34 countries, the TRILA conference provided a platform for junior and senior researchers and faculty members to meet and collaborate on teaching and researching international law in Asia.

The TRILA Conference opened with a rousing keynote address by Judge Raul C Pangalangan of the International Criminal Court, exploring in-depth the role of international law in Asia. Its first day, focussed on teaching, investigated the methods of imparting knowledge and inspiring passion in Asian students of international law, the challenges faced by Asian international law lecturers, and the areas of international law most pertinent to international practice. The second day, focussed on research, involved expositions on the role of history, theory and identity in Asian international law scholarship, the production of quality research in international law, and the obstacles to research faced by Asian scholars. The event closed with a thought-provoking and hopeful prospectus on international law teaching and research in Asia.

CIL’s TRILA conference reflects the commitment of NUS Faculty of Law in promoting international law scholarship in Asia, continuing the work of the 1964 Round Table on the Teaching of International Law and Relations, and the TRILA Conference of 2001. Very fittingly, Professor Tommy Koh (Chairman of CIL’s Governing Board) and Professor S Jayakumar (Chairman of CIL’s International Advisory Panel), both pioneers in this project, were present at the opening of the conference. The conference was preceded by a one-day Junior Faculty Workshop, which gave young scholars the valuable opportunity to have their work critiqued by a panel of senior faculty, consisting of leading voices in international law.

30 May 2018: CIL Researchers Contribute to International Law Commission Study

CIL researchers Dr Hao Duy Phan, Chan Sze-Wei and Hadyu Ikrami contributed to a 2017 study by the International Law Commission on “Ways and means for making the evidence of customary international law more available”.

ASEAN Law and Policy
5 April 2018: Research Associate Ms Melissa Loja Presents at Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law

Research Associate Ms Melissa Loja presented her research paper at the New Voices Panel at the 112th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law in Washington DC. Ms Loja’s paper was about international agreements between non-state actors. Her paper discussed international agreements that national petroleum corporations such as Petronas, PetroVietnam, PetroleumBrunei and China National Offshore Oil Corporations enter into to manage disputes over petroleum resources that are shared by states across maritime zones and boundaries.

Professor Laurence Helfer, Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of International Law, remarked that her paper makes a concrete contribution to international law, because it presents primary data that have not been made known before, and it enables a granular examination of actual practices in international law.

International Economic Law and Policy
9–10 March 2018: Research Assistant Mr Robert Real Participates in Frankfurt Investment Law Workshop

Research Assistant Mr Robert Real participated in the Frankfurt Investment Law Workshop 2018 on International Investment Law and Constitutional Law. Held on 9 and 10 March 2018, the workshop was organised by the Goethe-University Merton Centre for European Integration and International Economic Order in Frankfurt, Germany. Participants in the workshop explored the different facets of the increasing interaction between international investment law and constitutional law and critically analysed the opportunities and challenges this interaction creates. The panel topics included the (domestic) constitutional law limits of international investment law, the European Union’s constitutional limits of international investment law, the role of constitutional law in investor-state dispute settlement, and international investment law as constitutional law.

27 June 2017: CIL Senior Visiting Research Fellow Dr Lynn Kuok Participates in the World Economic Forum’s ‘Summer Davos’

CIL Senior Visiting Research Fellow Dr Lynn Kuok recently participated in the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian, China, also known as the ‘Summer Davos’. it is the foremost global gathering on science, technology and innovation, and convenes the next generation of fast-growing enterprises shaping the future of business and society, and leaders from major multinationals, government, media, academia and civil society. In keeping with WEF founder Professor Klaus Schwab’s call for economics to be considered in its broader security context, Dr Kuok presented on a panel examining ‘A New Strategic Narrative for Asia’.

Director's Activities
12 April 2017: CIL Director Lucy Reed Represents Centre at Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law in Washington DC

Professor Lucy Reed, CIL Director, represented the Centre at the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law in Washington DC on 12–15 April 2017. Professor Reed was President of the American Society of International Law from 2008 to 2010. With the topical theme of ‘What International Law Values’, highlights of the meeting included: the Grotius Lecture by Harvard University Professor David Armitage entitled ‘Civil War Time: From Grotius to the Global War on Terror’; an interview by New York University Law School Professor Philip Alston of Hudson Medal Winner Professor Georges Abi-Saab; an Assembly address by Professor Philippe Sands on the origins of the ideas of ‘genocide’ and ‘crimes against humanity’ as illustrated in his new book East West Street; and a keynote address by the new General Counsel of the World Bank Group, Ms Sandie Okoro, on gender-based violence entitled ‘Seen and Not Heard’. NUS Law Faculty Dean and CIL Board Deputy Chairman, Professor Simon Chesterman, spoke on the panel on ‘Claims Against the United Nations: From Within and Without’. Ayelet Berman, soon to join CIL as a Senior Research Fellow, spoke on the panel on “The Rise of Multistakeholder Global Governance’. Professor Reed, Dean Chesterman and NUS Professor Tony Anghie attended the Colleague Societies Breakfast as representatives of the Asian Society of International Law. [Photos]

11 February 2017

On 11-12 February 2017, CIL Research Associate Hadyu Ikrami judged four preliminary rounds and a semifinal round of the 2017 Indonesian National Rounds of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, held at the University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Out of a field of 16 universities , the University of Indonesia and the University of Pelita Harapan were named the champion and runner-up respectively. Both teams will represent Indonesia in the Jessup International Rounds to be held in Washington D.C., USA in April 2017.

ASEAN Law and Policy
9 March 2016

IELPO LL.M Programme at Universitat de Barcelona re-invited CIL for the 4th time to teach its course on Asian Regionalism. CIL Research Fellow Junianto James Losari replaced Associate Professor Michael Ewing-Chow this year to teach the two-day-course on 9-10 March 2016 in Barcelona, Spain. In his course, James shared various stories of integration in Asia and discussed the main drivers of the integration, including trade and investment. He also focused on the ASEAN integration, which is considered as one of the most advanced integrations in the region.

ASEAN Law and Policy
19 May 2016

CIL Research Fellow Ranyta Yusran and CIL Research Associates Shaun Kang and Elsa Sardinha participated in the 13th Annual Asian Law Institute Conference – ‘Asian Perspectives on Legal Globalisation’ on 19-20 May 2016 in Beijing, China. The Conference was jointly organised by Peking University and the Asian Law Institute. At the Conference, Ranyta Yusran spoke at a panel on ‘International Law and Human Rights’ and delivered a presentation entitled ‘No Longer Taboo and Yet Still Awkward: Human Rights in ASEAN’. To download her presentation, click here. Shaun Kang and Elsa Sardinha spoke at a panel on ‘International Law and Globalisation’. Shaun delivered a presentation on ‘The Exodus of Rohingya People and Malaysia’s International Obligations towards Refugees’ and Elsa Sardinha delivered a presentation on ‘The Right to Regulate: Towards a New Regulatory Paradigm under Recent Free Trade Investment Chapters? A Dissection of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Canada-EU (CETA) and Singapore-EU (SEUFTA) Free Trade Agreements’. To download Shaun’s presentation, click here. To download Elsa’s presentation, click here.

17 March 2016

CIL Senior Research Fellow Dr Hao Duy Phan was invited to participate in the International Workshop entitled ‘Cultural Heritage Law and the Built Environment: Preserving Outstanding Universal Value in Asia’s Historic Cities’ on 17-18 March 2016 in Singapore. The Workshop was organised by the Centre for Asian Legal Studies, National University of Singapore. Hao Duy Phan moderated the session on ‘Global Trends in Urban Heritage Conservation’.

International Economic Law and Policy
23 February 2016

CIL Research Fellow Junianto James Losari taught an International Investment Law course in the Masters Programme on Trade, Investment, and Competition at the Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia, which was held on 23-26 February 2016 in Jakarta, Indonesia. In his lecture, James provided an overview of international investment law with some specific discussions on Indonesia’s recent investment policies. This was the fourth time that CIL was invited to teach this course. CIL’s past participation included the course being co-taught by James and Associate Professor Michael Ewing-Chow. [View photo]

International Economic Law and Policy
22 February 2016

On Monday, 22 February 2016, CIL Research Fellow Junianto James Losari was the guest lecturer at a workshop to advise Indonesian government officials from the Ministry of Trade, the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board, the Central Bank of Indonesia, and various other institutions on cross-cutting issues between Trade in Services and Investment. The workshop was organised by the Ministry of Trade’s Centre for Advocacy and the EU-Indonesia Trade Cooperation Facility at the Ministry of Trade in Jakarta, Indonesia. In his lecture, James highlighted the need for Indonesian government officials to clarify their policy objectives both in trade and investment before the process of negotiating or drafting free trade agreements (FTAs). Furthermore, he noted the potential overlap of commitments made under trade in services chapter and investment chapters in FTAs that requires different institutions to cooperate and coordinate closely to prevent inconsistency. For further details about the workshop, click here:
[View photo]

21 October 2015

CIL Senior Principal Research Fellow J. Christopher Thomas, QC gave a ‘Careers in International Law’ talk on 21 October 2015 to students at the London-based Centre for Transnational Legal Studies.

8 April 2015

CIL Director Robert Beckman, CIL Senior Research Fellow Dr Hao Duy Phan, CIL Research Fellows Dr Sun Zhen, Leonardo Bernard and Junianto James Losari attended the 109th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law (ASIL) in Washington DC on 8-11 April 2015. Dr Hao Duy Phan also judged at the International Round of the 2015 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, which was held in conjunction with the ASIL Annual Meeting.

4 September 2014

CIL Research Fellow Ranyta Yusran attended the 10th Anniversary Conference of the European Society of International Law (ESIL) in Vienna, Austria, on 4-6 September 2014. This year’s theme was ‘International Law and…’, which highlighted the interrelatedness of international law and other fields of study such as literature, political science, anthropology, feminism, etc. The Conference was attended by more than four hundred legal academics and practitioners from Europe, Central America, the United States, Canada, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Ms Yusran also attended the first ESIL interest group meeting on international courts and tribunals, which will be the theme of the next ESIL Conference.

23 May 2014

CIL Director Robert Beckman gave a lecture in the Foreign Service Advance Programme organised by the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The lecture was on “Current Issues in International Law and Implications for Singapore”.

23 May 2014

Senior Principal Research Fellow Christopher Thomas QC chaired a session at the Rule of Law Symposium 2014 on “The Importance of The Rule of Law in Promoting Development”. He is a co-editor of the Symposium proceedings under the general editorship of Sir Jeffrey Jowell. This was the second year that the Singapore Academy of Law organised this Symposium in collaboration with the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law.

14 May 2014

CIL Director Robert Beckman and CIL Global Associate Tara Davenport attended the Singapore-US Strategic Dialogue 2014, which was held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington DC.