Researchers' Activities


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Investment Law and Policy
27 October 2019: Postdoctoral Fellow Neha Mishra Presents Paper at Biennial Asian Economic Law Network Conference

Postdoctoral Fellow Neha Mishra presented her paper titled ‘International Trade Law and Data Ethics: Possibilities and Challenges’ at the 6th Biennial Asian Economic Law Network Conference. The conference was held in Taipei on 25–27 October and was organised by National Tsing-Hua University; Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan; Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsing Hua University; and The Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

Ms Mishra argued that the inherent tension between promoting data/digital innovation and ensuring ethical data management is likely to surface in international trade law, and is particularly prominent when data restrictive measures are examined under exceptions in international trade agreements. This tension appears irresolvable due to the technological uncertainty surrounding the future evolution and uses of AI and Big Data and the absence of international norms on data governance. Although international trade law cannot directly resolve these tensions, trade policymakers should remain open and responsive to relevant policy dialogues on data governance in various governmental and multistakeholder fora. Ms Mishra argued that by doing so, international trade law can play a more proactive and transformative role in dealing with ethical issues in data governance—addressing not only infrastructure-related issues (eg, access to telecommunications networks) but also regulatory concerns such as facilitating international cooperation on data policies, supporting internationally recognised internet standards, promoting fair competition and transparency in domestic data policies, and ensuring digital inclusion of developing countries. Trade rules should also not require countries to compromise on their data policies necessary for ethical reasons so as to participate in global digital markets. Although these outcomes appear ambitious, the ongoing dialogues at WTO on electronic commerce provide an opportunity to generate political goodwill and enhance cooperation among countries to achieve these results.

Ocean Law and Policy
24 October 2019: Senior Research Fellows Youna Lyons and Vu Hai Dang Speak at 4th Fisheries Management and Management Environmental Protection Workshop

Senior research fellows Youna Lyons and Vu Hai Dang presented at the 4th Fisheries Management and Management Environmental Protection Workshop organised by the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue and the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute in Manila, Philippines, on 24 October 2019. The meeting discussed the establishment of a network of marine protected areas in the SCS.

At the workshop, Ms Lyons presented a mapping exercise of all marine protected areas and ecologically sensitive areas that have been established by coastal countries in the SCS, based on applicable international instruments and publicly available data from WDPA. Dr Dang presented options to support the development of a network of marine protected areas in the South China Sea.

23–24 October 2019: CIL Researcher Eugenio Gomez-Chico Participates in REDIAL Conference in Bogota, Colombia

CIL Researcher Eugenio Gomez-Chico participated in the Conference ‘REDIAL: Repensar la Enseñanza del Derecho Internacional en América Latina’ (Rethinking international legal education in Latin America), which took place in Bogota, Colombia on 23–24 October. He presented CIL’s TRILA programme (Teaching and Researching International Law in Asia), sharing its activities, goals and achievements.

REDIAL, like TRILA, is a project aimed to improve and strengthen the scholarship and community of international law scholars regionally, introducing Latin American perspectives and materials into the curriculum, and critically analysing the traditional Euro-centric contents and history of the discipline. In this second conference, scholars from different universities in the region discussed their challenges in teaching and researching on international law, and publishing in different languages.

Nuclear Law and Policy
21–25 October 2019: Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong Participates in Faculty Professional Development Course on Nuclear Security Education at RSIS, NTU

Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong participated in a faculty professional development course on nuclear security education held at the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore. This course was jointly organised by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. The aim of the week-long course was to build capacity in the design of nuclear security education programmes, including curriculum development, and to support human resource development in Asia. Participants were predominantly academics from a variety of disciplines including natural and applied sciences, social sciences and humanities, representing leading universities from countries within Southeast Asia as well as China, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Ocean Law and Policy
16–18 October 2019: Robert Beckman Leads Discussion on Submarine Cables at UNODC Legal Expert Meeting

Robert Beckman participated in the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) Legal Expert Meeting on the Review of the Maritime Crime Manual for Criminal Justice Practitioners. The meeting was held in Mauritius on 16–18 October 2019. Assoc Prof Beckman led a discussion on the protection of submarine cables and participated in the discussions on stateless vessels, shiprider agreements and transnational maritime environmental crime.

Nuclear Law and Policy
8–10 October 2019: CIL Nuclear Team Participates in Fourth International Workshop on the Indemnification of Damage in the Event of a Nuclear Accident

Senior Research Fellow Denise Cheong and Research Associate Nivedita S participated in the Fourth International Workshop on the Indemnification of Damage in the Event of a Nuclear Accident on 8–10 October 2019, held in Lisbon, Portugal. Organised by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA), the Institute Superior Técnico (IST), and the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, the workshop brought together more than 140 participants from 29 countries, including representatives from government agencies, operators, suppliers, nuclear insurance pools and mutuals, law firms and academia.

The workshop facilitated in-depth, interdisciplinary discussions on the scope of ‘nuclear damage’ as defined in the international nuclear third party liability instruments as well as the mechanics of the transboundary claims-handling process, which the conventions do not address. A key outcome of the workshop was the recognition that a common understanding of these issues is needed to effectively and efficiently operationalise the international nuclear conventions in the event of a transboundary nuclear accident. Important links between emergency preparedness and response and nuclear liability were also drawn.

Ocean Law and Policy
7 October 2019: Head of CIL Ocean Law and Policy Programme Robert Beckman Participates in Arctic Frontiers Symposium

On 7 October 2019 Robert Beckman participated in the Arctic Frontiers symposium organised by Arctic Frontiers in collaboration with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Singapore, the National University of Singapore and Innovation Norway.

In a panel discussion on Resources of the North, Prof Beckman argued that since the Arctic is an ocean, the right to explore and exploit the natural resources in the Arctic Ocean is governed by the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Ocean Law and Policy
25 September 2019: CIL Organises Roundtable in Jakarta on Governance of and Research on Pollution from Marine Plastics in Southeast Asia

The CIL Ocean Law and Policy Programme organised an informal roundtable discussion on the ‘Governance of and Research on Pollution from Marine Plastic in Southeast Asia’ on 25 September 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Participants to the roundtable include representatives from Indonesia’s relevant government agencies, research institutions and academia from Indonesia, and representatives from permanent missions of ASEAN countries to ASEAN. CIL was represented by Youna Lyons, Dita Liliansa, Vanessa Lam and Vu Hai Dang. Participants shared their research on pollution from marine plastic. For more information on the event, click here.

Ocean Law and Policy
23–25 September 2019: CIL Researchers Meet ASEAN Secretariat and Permanent Mission of Singapore to ASEAN

On 23–25 September 2019 four researchers from the CIL Ocean Law and Policy Programme—Youna Lyons, Dita Liliansa, Vanessa Lam, and Vu Hai Dang—visited several divisions of the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta. The aims of the visits were to share CIL’s research on the protection of the marine environment and, if possible, involve the Secretariat in a manuscript under development.

Inputs from the Secretariat helped to ensure CIL’s accurate interpretation of ASEAN instruments and processes on the protection and management of the marine environment.

Investment Law and Policy
19–20 September 2019: CIL Investment Team Convenes Workshop on Management of Reform of Investment Treaty Portfolios


On 19–20 September 2019, the CIL hosted representatives of ten Asia-Pacific economies in Singapore for a workshop on the management of the reform of investment treaty portfolios. The workshop was convened by Research Associate Professor (CIL) N Jansen Calamita (Head, Investment Law and Policy) and attended by CIL researchers Dr Romesh Weeramantry (Head, International Dispute Resolution) and Dr Charalampos Giannakopoulos (Post-doctoral Fellow).

Participants discussed a broad range of issues, including the challenges of successfully updating and managing a country’s investment treaty portfolio, approaches to treaty drafting, options for reform of the ISDS regime, managing the coexistence of ‘reformed’ and ‘unreformed’ treaties in state treaty portfolios, and developing and implementing effective procedures for dispute avoidance and prevention.

The workshop is part of CIL’s broader research focus on international investment law and policy and international dispute resolution.