Researchers' Activities


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ASEAN Law and Policy
12 September 2019: Research Fellow Arron N Honniball Presents Paper at Third ASEAN-India Workshop on Blue Economy

Research Fellow Arron N Honniball gave a presentation on the progress of and challenges to ASEAN’s regional cooperation in maritime safety and security at the Third ASEAN-India Workshop on Blue Economy, held in Bangkok on 12 September 2019. In his presentation, Dr Honniball focussed on the jurisdictional rights and responsibilities of states concerning maritime safety and security as well as the opportunities and necessity of deeper cooperation to help maintain the blue economy.

12 September 2019: Head of Ocean Law and Policy Robert Beckman Speaks at ReCAAP Capacity-Building Executive Programme

At the ReCAAP Capacity-Building Executive Programme held in Singapore from 8 to 13 September, Robert Beckman gave a presentation on the relevance of UN terrorism conventions to attacks on ships in the region.

The programme was jointly organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, together with the ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre. 

2–6 September 2019: CIL Staff Participate in Asia-Pacific Climate Week in Bangkok

Associate Director Sharon Seah and Research Associate Amiel Ian Valdez participated in the Asia-Pacific Climate Week (APCW) from 2nd to 6th September in Bangkok. The APCW was organised by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in partnership with global and regional organisations. The meeting’s goals are to discuss recommendations to boost regional climate action in the lead-up to the United Nations Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit scheduled for 23 September 2019, and to give impetus to the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP) 25 negotiations in Santiago, Chile, in December 2019.

At the APCW, regional stakeholders discussed climate emergency, key vulnerabilities and challenges, and increasing ambition in achieving the Paris Agreement’s goal. They also shared best practices on implementing national climate plans. CIL staff participated in small group workshops and discussions on climate resilience and adaptation, nature-based solutions, transparency arrangements, climate finance, and local actions.

Ocean Law and Policy
22 August 2019: Robert Beckman Participates in UNESCAP Roundtable at MPA Academy in Singapore

Robert Beckman participated in the UNESCAP Roundtable on 22 August 2019 at the MPA Academy in Singapore, giving a presentation on ‘Tsunami Monitoring from Ships, Offshore Structures and Submarine Cables: Legal And Jurisdictional Issues’.

The Roundtable was organised by UNESCAP, the MPA, the IMO, the SSA and the Global Compact Network Singapore in collaboration with 14 other organisations. The title of Roundtable was Maritime Sector Strategies to Augment Tsunami Monitoring with Economic, Safety and Environmental Benefits. The Roundtable discussed the potential public sector–private sector partnerships to augment tsunami-warning systems by placing warning devices on offshore platforms, ships and submarine cables.

ASEAN Law and Policy
21–23 August 2019: CIL Researchers Participate in AsianSIL Conference

CIL researchers participated in the Asian Society of International Law conference in Manila on 21–23 August 2019.

At the Junior Scholars’ Conference, Dita Liliansa presented on ‘Protection of Sea Turtles in the Seas of Southeast Asia: An ASEAN Way?’, offering an ongoing investigation on the relationship between ASEAN law, policy and guidelines, and the development of international instruments in the context of the protection of sea turtles in Southeast Asia. Dr Arron Honniball presented on ‘The Role of Nationality Jurisdiction in Combating IUU Fishing: Recent Developments for the Asian Region’, addressing the evolution of the state of nationality in international fisheries law.

The panel on ASEAN Integration and International Law was filled by the CIL’s ASEAN team and chaired by Professor Damian Chalmers, Co-Director (Research) of CIL’s ASEAN Law and Policy Programme. The panellists presented the papers below.

  • Dr Melissa Loja: ‘Regionalisation of Venture Capital Investments and the Compatibility of Regulatory Regimes in Southeast Asia: A Case Study of Fintech regulations in Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines’
  • Dr Heejin Kim: ‘The Laws and Politics of Data localization in Southeast Asia—Competing Regulatory Goals and Diverging Legal Development
  • Loo Jing Xi Gloria: ‘Institutional Design and Models of Asian Capitalism’
  • Dr Marija Jovanovic: ‘Trade-Labour Linkage: ‘From Social Clause Deniers to Trump as the Champion of Labour Rights in Free Trade Agreements and Back’

In addition, Professor Antony Anghie, Head of CIL’s Teaching and Researching International Law in Asia, convened a popular workshop on teaching and researching in international law. He also spoke on a book panel by the Oxford University Press and a forum on ‘Junior Scholars’ Guide to the Nuts and Bolts of How to Make It Past Rejection Slips’.

Public International Law
1 August 2019: Research Associate Eugenio Gomez-Chico Presents Paper at Critical Approaches to International Law Symposium

Research Associate Eugenio Gomez-Chico participated in the Critical Approaches to International Law Symposium, organised by Griffith College in Dublin from 1 to 4 August.

In his paper ‘Human Rights Courts of the Global South as creators of International Law’, Mr Gomez-Chico explored how the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights approach international law: neither embracing it completely nor fully rejecting it, but rather adapting to international legal principles for their purposes, thus ‘indigenising the universal’.

Ocean Law and Policy
16–17 July 2019: Research Fellow Arron N Honniball Presents Paper at Conference on Legal Framework for Marine Scientific Research

Research Fellow Arron N Honniball presented a paper at the conference on Governing Science at Sea: The Legal Framework for Marine Scientific Research, held in Busan, South Korea. The conference was organised by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology and the Law of the Sea Institute, UC Berkeley.

Dr Honniball presented his paper titled ‘Rights and Responsibilities for Marine Scientific Research by Private Entities on the High Seas’ in the first panel, which was tasked to explore the context for marine scientific research. The presentation was based on a paper co-authored by Dr Honniball and Associate Professor Robert Beckman.

Ocean Law and Policy
4–6 July 2019: Research Fellow Amber Rose Maggio Presents Paper at International Conference on Regulatory Governance

Research Fellow Amber Rose Maggio participated in the International Conference on Regulatory Governance with the theme ‘Unpacking the Complexity of Regulatory Governance in a Globalising World’ at the Chinese University of Hong Kong on 4–6 July 2019. She presented her paper entitled ‘Climate Change Regulation, Shipping and the WTO: Conflicting Obligations?’ in a panel on challenges relating to transnational environmental regulation.  

Ocean Law and Policy
30 June–19 July 2019: CIL Researchers Participate in 24th Session of Rhodes Academy of Oceans Law and Policy

At the 24th session of the Rhodes Academy of Oceans Law and Policy, Associate Professor Robert Beckman and Captain Ashley Roach (CIL Visiting Senior Principal Research Fellow) were lecturers, and Research Associate Dita Liliansa was a participant. 

Attended by 52 participants from different countries, the Rhodes Academy addressed the foundations and various topics of the law of the sea. The Rhodes Academy is a cooperative undertaking sponsored by the Center for Oceans Law and Policy (COLP) at the University of Virginia School of Law, CIL at the National University of Singapore, and other institutions.


Ocean Law and Policy
17–18 June 2019: CIL Researchers Participate in Working Group on Marine Litter of the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia

On 17 and 18 June 2019, CIL Researchers Youna Lyons and Vanessa Lam participated in the Working Group on Marine Litter of the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) as observers and contributing experts. Ms Lyons also gave a presentation outlining the scope and findings of NUS research on the ‘Status of Research on Marine Plastics in Southeast Asia: Who Does What?’