Singapore International Arbitration Academy 2013

SIAA2013-tnCIL is pleased to announce a successful run of the 2013 Singapore International Arbitration Academy from 22 November to 3 December 2013 at the NUS Bukit Timah Campus and the Supreme Court of Singapore. Jointly organized by CIL and the National University of Singapore, it attracted 55 government officials and private practitioners from within the Asia-Pacific region and from Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. Its intensive 11-day programme consisted of lectures, workshops, simulations and drafting exercises which had the participants delve deep into the substantive and procedural aspects of international commercial and investment treaty arbitration. Participants enjoyed close contact and interaction with the Faculty of the Academy, made up of well-regarded practitioners, academics and judges from around the world. CIL is presently crafting the programme of the 2014 Academy. For more information, please see the SIAA 2014 page. If you wish to be put on our mailing list for the 2014 Academy, please email

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