Successful conclusion to the Singapore International Arbitration Academy 2016

siaa-photoThe Centre for International Law is pleased to announce the successful conclusion to the Singapore International Arbitration Academy 2016, which took place on 2 to 8 November 2016. Fifty government officials, legal academics and private practitioners were put through an intense and stimulating 7-day programme which blended together theory with substantive and procedural law of investor-state arbitration. The 2016 Academy was yet another unparalleled opportunity for participants to interact with and learn from some of the world’s leading experts in international arbitration, as well as develop new professional relationships. This year’s programme also included access to the CIL Recent Developments in International Law Conference which discussed the most topical issues in investor-state arbitration. Planning for the Academy 2017 is already underway. For more information about the 2016 Academy and the CIL Recent Developments in International Law Conference, click here and here. To receive updates on the Academy 2017 through the mailing list, please email Ms Gerry Ng.

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