Successful Run of the 2014 Singapore International Arbitration Academy

Class-of-SIAA-2014-tnCIL is pleased to announce the successful run of the 2014 Singapore International Arbitration Academy from 14 to 26 November 2014. Its 11-day intensive programme blended together theory and skills training in the field of investor-State arbitration and attracted more than 40 participants from government service and private practice. The 2014 Academy was yet another unparalleled opportunity for government and private practitioners in the Asia Pacific region and from around the world to meet, interact with luminaries of international arbitration, and develop new professional relationships. Enrolment in the Academy included attendance at a special seminar co-organised with the Washington-based International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes. Planning for the next session of the Academy (Nov/Dec 2015) is already under way. For more information and the photo gallery, click here. To remain updated on the 2015 Academy please join the CIL mailing list here.

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