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Inaugural CIL-NUS Academy of International Trade

The Essential GATT in the New Geopolitical Context | Joseph Weiler

The GATT/WTO constitutes the essential framework, the ‘Higher Law’ or even the ‘Economic Constitution’ of our international legal order. In this intensive albeit brief series of lessons – consisting of eight classes of 2 hours each – the fundamental building blocks of the international economic legal order will be highlighted. Obviously, given the concentrated nature of this exercise, the purpose of the course is not proficiency. It is designed to achieve simultaneously two goals: An overview of the system and a sharp outlining of its fundamental underlying legal principles. 

Schedule of Classes:

  1. The economic and political Syntax and Grammar of the WTO system.
  2. The Most Favored Nation Discipline
  3. National Treatment: The Prohibition on Discriminatory Taxes
  4. National Treatment: The Prohibition on Discriminatory Regulation
  5. General Exceptions (public health, public morality, protection of the environment, etc.)
  6. TBT – Technical Barriers to Trade (going beyond discrimination)
  7. SPS – Sanitary and Phytosanitary Regulation (going beyond discrimination)
  8. Dispute Settlement, including GATS.

Mon 10–Tue 11 April 2023, 3–5pm Singapore Time
General course: The Essential GATT in the New Geopolitical Context I

Mon 24–Tue 25 April 2023, 3–5pm Singapore Time
General course: The Essential GATT in the New Geopolitical Context II

Tue 9–Wed 10 May 2023, 3–5pm Singapore Time
General course: The Essential GATT in the New Geopolitical Context III

Tue 16–Wed 17 May 2023, 3–5pm Singapore Time
General course: The Essential GATT in the New Geopolitical Context IV

J.H.H. Weiler is Professor of Law at NYU School of Law and NUS Law Faculty as well as Senior Fellow at the Harvard Center for European Studies and Co-Director of the ASEAN Law Academy at the Center for International Law, NUS.

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