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Inaugural CIL-NUS Academy of International Trade







General course: The Essential GATT in the New Geopolitical Context IV
Joseph Weiler —
16, 17 May 2023

(Note: Professor Weiler’s readings cover Week 1 to 4 for the General Course)

  1. WTO – Primary Sources – (2016 Edition)
  2. WTO – Unit 1 – Syntax and Grammar – (2016 edition)
  3. WTO – Unit 2 – Regionalism – (2016 edition)
  4. WTO – Unit 3 – Rules of Origin – (2016 edition)
  5. WTO – Unit 4 – Tariffs and Customs – (2016 edition)
  6. WTO – Unit 5 – MFN – (2017 edition)
  7. WTO – Unit 6 – NTBs – (2016 edition)
  8. WTO – Unit 7 – NT – (2017 edition)
  9. WTO – Unit 8 – General Exceptions – (2017 edition)
  10. WTO – Unit 9 – TBT – (2017 edition)
  11. WTO – Unit 10 – SPS – (2017 edition)
  12. WTO – Unit 11 – TRIPS – (2016 edition)
  13. WTO – Unit 12 – DS GATS – (2016 edition)
  14. WTO – Unit 13 – Anti-Dumping – (2016 edition)
  15. WTO – Unit 14 – SCM – (2016 edition)
  16. WTO – Unit 15 – Safeguards – (2016 edition)

Specialist module: WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism: Is It Still the Crown Jewel of World Trade?

Thomas Streinz — 18, 19 May 2023

Syllabus – Megaregional Agreements and Digital Trade Specialization

1. Megaregional Agreements

a. Required Reading

i. Kingsbury et al – The Essence, Significance, and Problems of the Trans- Pacific Partnership (pp. 1-8)
ii. Hsieh – Signing the RCEP as a Milestone (pp. 67-81)
iii. White House Fact Sheet – In Asia, President Biden and a Dozen Indo-Pacific Partners Launch the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity

b. Legal Texts

ii. IPEF – Pillar I (Trade)
iii. RCEP

c. Background Reading

i. Kingsbury et al – TPP as Megaregulation
ii. Hsieh – Introduction – New Asian regionalism and the Global South

2. International Economic Data Law

a. Required Reading

i. Streinz – Digital Megaregulation Uncontested TPPs Model for the Global Digital Economy (pp. 329-336)
ii. Streinz – Designing International Economic Data Law (ASIL Proceedings 2021) (pp. 73-78)
iii. Peng et al – Artificial Intelligence and International Economic Law (CUP 2021) (pp. 10-21)
iv. MTI, Singapore – The Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA) – Overview

b. Legal Texts

i. Digital Economy Partnership Agreement
ii. EU Template – Data Flow Provisions
iii. Selected Provisions (CPTPP, USDTA, RCEP)

c. Background Reading

i. Shin-yi Peng – Digital Trade Law