CIL Distinguished Speaker Series: Indonesia’s Maritime Policy

Arif Havas OegrosenoCIL is pleased to welcome H.E. Arif Havas Oegroseno as a CIL Distinguished Speaker to lecture on Indonesia’s Maritime Policy on Thursday, 19 March 2015 at 4 pm. He will be speaking about Indonesia’s recently launched policy initiative called the “global maritime axis”, which was introduced by President Jokowi during the 9th East Asia Summit in Myanmar on 13 November 2014. This maritime policy has domestic, regional and global dimensions, as well as opportunities for partnerships from regional and international actors. Understanding the regional ramifications of this policy is critical for Indonesia’s partners in order to be able to forge new areas of cooperation with Indonesia, being one of the few countries in the world that geographically connects two oceans and two continents. For more information on this event and how to register, click here.

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