UN General Assembly Recognises Rhodes Academy

rhodes-tnIn its annual resolution on oceans and law of the sea in 2015, the UN General Assembly recognised the important contribution of the Rhodes Academy of Ocean Law and Policy to capacity-building in the field of law of the sea. The Rhodes Academy is a three-week course held annually that aims to bring together distinguished experts in law of the sea and carefully selected students from both government and academia for a comprehensive study of modern oceans law. CIL is proud to be one of the Academy’s sponsoring institutions. CIL Director Bob Beckman has been a member of the Rhodes Faculty since 2009 and he is currently serving as one the Academy’s Directors. CIL Senior Visiting Fellow J. Ashley Roach is also a member of the Rhodes Faculty. For the text of the paragraph of the UNGA resolution, details of CIL’s past participation in the Academy and information on the upcoming 2016 Rhodes Academy and its annual writing competition, please click here.

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